
Monday 11 February 2013

Constellation cards

We have just started our science lessons with our Friends and we are using Real Science 4 Kids Astronomy book as our spine.  I am finding it so much fun to work in collaboration with another person. This week was my turn to come up with a lab.  Since we met during the day for science labs it was kind of hard to look at the stars.  After, searching the internet I found some ideas for various kinds of Constellation cards.  I modify the design somewhat and this is what we came up with.  We concentrated on 22 of the most recognizable winter constellations.  We had the children make two sets of cards ones with the picture of the constellation and one with just the stars.

Little Man was responsible for gluing down the constellation pictures onto card stock

Meanwhile Princess was punching holes into black card stock using the constellation picture as her guide.

When you hold up the card stock to the light you can see the constellation

Next I mixed up both set of cards and had the children play a game of trying to match up the picture card with the constellation card.  It was harder than it may sound.  After doing it this way once I quickly wrote the names of each constellation on the back of the card to make it easier next time:)!

If you are interested in doing something like this, here are the sites I used to get the constellation patterns.

Princess has been identifying certain constellations whenever we are out driving at night.  SHe says making these cards has really helped her notice the constellations better:)  I will take that announcement any day.


  1. I didn't know that Real Science 4 Kids had astronomy! I know you mentioned you were going to do it, but it didn't register with me until now. I just checked out their site and they added a ton of books. It's weird, because, when my son was using their books, they were so slow to add new books, which is why we stopped using them.

    1. We enjoy using them next I will purchase the Geology books, I think. Even tho my kids are elementary age we are using the middle school books this time around:).

  2. I see they still only have one high school book! :-(

  3. We are studying astronomy now too. I'm pinning your post because we plan to study it at home next year and this looks like a great idea. This week we made Sky Wheels. They are star maps and really cool.


    1. Thank julie we have one printed out now I just need to get it assembled:-)

  4. Great idea! We don't use that resource but I might use your tip anyway!
    Have a great day!

  5. Good work on this one; I loved it. It is so awesome when they use what they are learning. I can usually find the big dipper; but that is all. If we ever get rid of our smog; I am try to look to see if I can identify more on the constellations.
    Blessing to you all!
