
Friday 4 January 2013

Handmade Presents


Now that Christmas is over and I hope our gifts arrived in time for Christmas I can let you know what the kids were working on for presents to family and friends back in the states.

We made felt Christmas ornaments

and learned a new stitch, the Blanket stitch. The kids worked on a little embroidery  as well.  All the shapes I found online were clip art pictures and I just modified  the designs as needed, to keep it simple for the kids.  Except the Christmas plum pudding design which my friend found a pattern somewhere:)

Some of the completed ornaments --  each child made a total of 8 different ornaments to send stateside:)  

I think they look very nice on the Christmas tree

Hopefully, friends and family will enjoy the gifts as they were made with lots of LOVE!

My blogging break is over and so is the kids school break.  Come Monday morning it is back to our school schedule, and back to my blogging:)


  1. Those look great! Your kids really are talented and obviously you are too, since you've taught them!

  2. The ornaments are really cute. What a great idea. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Thank you for the card. One of these years I'm going to be organized and life not so hectic to send out cards. Blessings, my friend, and welcome back.

  3. Those are really nice. We made ornaments like this in the past, but yours came out much cuter.

  4. How cute! Homemade-the gifts that give our hearts a smile year after year. =)

  5. The ornaments are adorable. I am so impressed with this Christmas project. Looking forward to more of your adventures for 2013.
    Blessing and hugs!

  6. Those are adorable. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. Happy New Year!
