
Monday 7 January 2013

12th night celebration with Regia

Our family again participated in the the Regia 12th night feast at the Viking hall in Wychurst.  This is with my husband's re-enactment group.  I wanted us to arrive a bit early so I could get some pictures before it got dark.  I did a post about the hall last year and you can find it here and here

When we drove up we were greeted by this stag 

and his herd of does

In front of the newly hung front door to the hall
A Family picture outside the hall--I am thinking of getting this enlarged and framed for my husband

Last time we were here they were just starting to paint the inside of the hall.  This year it is almost completed

Details are fantastic

Tables getting set up and ready for the evening
Right above this window is the hall's mascot--a tawny owl-- This little bird has been a thorn in the sides of the building crew for several months as he has managed to break into the building despite chicken wire on the windows and make a big mess:(  For this night he stayed outside the building.

There is no electricity in the building so the atmosphere is wonderful

We had entertainment of music, songs, and games

The kids brought some old games with them to play as well.  9 Man Morris and Tafl are among the kids favorites.

The evening consisted of a 5 course meal with entertainment between each course.

Such a pleasant evening giving us a taste of what it might have been like in those times

We have been fortunate to attend this for the past 2 years.  Due to us returning to the States this summer it means we will miss next years's celebration but we will look back on this experience fondly:)!


  1. It looks like it was a lovely evening! The deer were a nice added treat. I've never seen so many deer in one place before!

    1. The really cool thing is that the site is next to a wolf sanctuary, so as night fell you could hear the wolves howling in the distance!

  2. It looked like such a sweet evening. I love the family picture; you should get it framed. I loved all of the pictures and enjoy learning about this event. An awesome adventure; blessings to you all!

  3. Hopping in from Homeschool Hop. Really enjoyed this post. We used to participate in the SCA, so I totally understand historical re-enacting!
