
Monday 28 January 2013

Georgia O'Keefe art lesson

We are continuing our Meet the Masters Art program and this month we learn about Georgia O'Keefe and her style of art work.

The kids pick a flower picture we found on the computer and then using a small square decided which part of the flower they wished to concentrate on in their drawing.

We used water color pencils -- which is the first time we have ever  used these and we found them pretty easy to work with.

After you draw your picture you then use a water to paint over the color pencil lines giving the work a water color look

Princess choose to do a Calla Lilly concentrating on the center stamen

Little Man really like the splash of purple triangle in his square so concentrated on that aspect of the picture.

My attempt at Georgia O'Keefe's style

We had fun working on these paintings and learning about Georgia O'Keefe.  In addition to this art project we completed a note page on her, read the book "The Greatest Artist series -- Georgia O'Keefe" by Mike Venezia and watched several you tube clips on Georgia O'Keefe.


  1. You all made beautiful pieces of art!

  2. Great work!! Art is one of my favorite things to do *with* my kids when I can. It is always an enjoyable time. Don't you just love youtube? It really does help bring so many lessons to life.

  3. This book has been on my shelf for the entire year. We really should find some time to fit it in. Your projects always come out looking like so much fun.

    1. This is a good basic program, art is not my strong suit so I needed to follow something. It give a little background information and a fun art activity. I add lots of other things in as I find it to help round out the art experience:)

  4. Wonderful!!! You guys did Great!!!

  5. Great job all of you! We did Pollock splash paintings one year. It was so much fun!

    I am a new follower form NOBH and look forward to reading more.

    1. Thanks for following and I am following back:) Pollock is a great artist to do, we did that several years ago, about time to try it again I think:)

  6. It looks like a lot of fun. Great job.

  7. Hi there!
    I am so enjoying your blog and just signed up to follow your posts. I became acquainted with your blog when I linked to NOBH. I'm really looking fwd to getting to know you here in teh blogosphere.
    One funny thing: My kids and I are wrapping up a study of Cezanne and the post impressionists and are moving to 20th century American artists, starting with O'Keefe this week! How coincidental:)
    Take care and have a wonderful day.
    @ Campfires and Cleats.

    1. Hi Chris Thanks for following and I am now following back:) Also following your learning pinterest board, got some great stuff on there:)
