
Friday 25 January 2013

Fun in the Snow!

It isn't often in our area we get a really good snow fall, but last week we had several days of light snow which accumulated into about 3-4 cm.  We took a snow day to enjoy the snow and play.

We live in the East Anglia and it is mostly flat however right behind our house is a man made hill that is perfect for sledding.

This snow was mixed with ice so it was super fast

The kids loved it

Walking back up the hill to do it again.  I think on this particular day the entire neighborhood was out enjoying the snow.

We even had enough snow to build a decent size snowman

After fun in the snow we went inside to have a large cup of hot cocoa to warm up


  1. I'm jealous! We've had no snow this year and I am beginning to think it may not happen at all. You have a nice hill there. All our hills are on major roads or drain into storm water retention ponds, so we have to drive a bit for sledding.

  2. Love the snow pictures!! Living in south Texas, we don't get any snow here. We're planning a trip to the mountains next year so I can't wait to let the kids play in the snow!

  3. It looks like there were a lot of kids on that hill. Everyone must have been excited to see the snow. Thanks for linking up with hobbies and handicrafts.
