
Friday 7 December 2012

Holiday Parade

This past weekend the local base where we live held its annual Holiday Parade.  The both kids scout troops participated in the parade.

carriage with horses were part of the parade

We had a few floats that handed out candy

Santa's sled appeared

fire truck

Multiple decorated signs decorated the grounds of the church representing various business and military offices on base

Princess got to hold the GS flag at the front of  the parade

Little man had a turn carrying the boy scout flag

After the parade we visited with Santa

Princess really debated this idea since she no longer believes but  in the end decided to go up if only to get the large candy cane they were handing out:).  When she finished she told me that this Santa was very young and probably not even married.  Why this was important I am not sure:).

There were also crafts that the kids could make in the community room.  Little Man loved the Snowman poo craft;)

Later at the Church grounds we had a mini service honoring Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza and even winter solstice.  The Chapel pastor gave a brief prayer  and speech.

Next we had a person representing the Jewish community who told about the story of the lights and lead a Jewish prayer

Girl scouts sang a few Christmas song

Tradition here is for someone to sing "I'll be home for Christmas" in honor of the missing men and women who will not be able to be home with their families this year.
A family is chosen from the local area who has a love one on deployment and won't be home for the holidays to turn on the lights after a count down

Turing on the menorah and the tree lights.  Hanukah doesn't begin until Dec 8th but the menorah was turned on with the tree lights for this evening and then the lights will be turned off and light on the appropriate night to celebrate the festival.

We had a lovely afternoon getting into the Christmas spirit!


  1. It looks like you had a lovely time. I like the pictures and it seems like a great celebration. It is so sad when loved ones in the service are not home for Christmas. When my son in law was in Iraq; he missed one Christmas. How I wish there wasn't war taking them away.
    Blessings and keep on enjoying those adventures. I always look forward to your next event.

  2. That looks like a nice celebration for your community. Is the idea that there are some families stationed there that have loved ones sent off to war? It seems like if they were going to ship the soldier off to war, they'd leave the family in the U.S.....
