
Monday 10 December 2012

Checkpoint Charlie and the Berlin Wall

Next on our places to visit in Berlin was Check Point Charlie, the Museum  and the Berlin wall.
Throughout the city you will find pieces of the wall.  In fact there are art books dedicated to the art work (graffiti) found on the many sections of the Berlin wall.  Berlin is just now starting to protect the remaining walls because so many people have been removing pieces of the wall as souvenirs.  We were told tourist who try to pick the wall for souvenirs are called Woodpeckers:)  The German are starting to crack down on people taking pieces of the remaining wall sections.  You can buy fragments of the wall but I thought they were a bit expensive.

Segments of the wall can be found decorating the front of stores

Lots of up close picture opportunities found--this one is right outside Check Point Charlie Museum

Lots of information about the wall could be found throughout the city

Some of the graffiti on the wall is amazing.  I took some video of some of the art as we drove past but it was a bit shaky to add here, I thought it would give you a headache to watch:)
We found a piece of the wall in its original place that divides East and West Berlin.  Here we are walking on the West side of Berlin looking thru to East Side of Berlin.  

This museum is dedicated to all the amazing stories of  escaping from East Berlin.  Unfortunately I was unable to take pictures inside.  This museum while very interesting was very hard for the children to tour as it required so much reading and very little hands on exhibit.  So we are only able to spend a little time inside.  However the stories of some of the escapes over to the West were amazing.  People were very ingenious in their way of hiding in cars.  Or digging tunnels, or build very unique crafts that either flew or sailed that would get them to the West.   We also were told stories of families who were split up because of the wall, very sad.

Just down the street from the museum was the famous Check Point Charlie gate, a replica of which still remains. 
I am not sure who owns this site but there was a man dressed in an uniform carrying an American flag, however my husband questioned the authenticity of the uniform.  So we think this was just a show for the tourists 

Original sign still found on the side walk

We had another incredible experience of what it must have been like living here during the cold war.


  1. Didn't some people get shot trying to sneak through to West Berlin? It was when I was a bit young, but I thought that I remembered that being on the news. The whole thing is amazingly disturbing!

    1. Yes that is right. There were also stories of failed family escape attempts and as a way of punishing the parents they removed their children from the home and adopted them out to good communist families. One way to ensure families didn't try to escape to the west.

  2. All I can say is WOW!! What another awesome adventure.

  3. Did you see, at Checkpoint Charlie, a big painting of a someone burning himself to death in protest? I saw the museum 14 year ago, and that's my strongest memory of it.

  4. Another incrediable adventure! The pictures were awesome and some great learning thoughts. We have friends that are serving a mission for our church in Germany. It has been fun to learn more about that country. I always thought there would be a war to break down the wall and then it seemed interesting that it came about quietly.
    Blessings and hugs!
