
Wednesday 14 March 2012

Learning about Mexico

For the last several weeks we have been learning about Mexico. Our starting off point is always with the delivery of the envelope from Little Passports. From there I expand our study by checking out books from the library. I really like the "Guide to....series" from highlights as well as the "A family in...."series. We are lucky to be able to find both at our library. We enjoy watching the Atlas DVD series on specific countries as it gives us a nice idea about the different areas of each country. Other resources we used is the Download and Go unit studies from Amanda Bennett and note booking pages from Homeschool Creations.

Since we have already made a pinata at another time for our Mexican craft activity we chose to do the Ojo De Dios otherwise known as God's eye.

Instead of Popsicle sticks we used tree branches so we could make larger ones to hang up.

Please ignore the messy room in the back ground

Instead of doing a complete Mexican dinner we had two separate meals

Tortilla soup the recipe we used can be found here

My children's favorite...enchiladas

While we did concentrate more on modern day Mexico, we also learn a few interesting facts about Mexico's Mayan and Aztec cultures. We will be exploring Mexico's vibrant history at later date. This was just a warm up.


  1. I remember making God's eyes! Yours turned out beautiful and the dishes are making my mouth water :) Looks like fun! Clicked a vote for you! :)

  2. How fun! Will you go and visit someday?

    1. I went to Cancun years and years ago with a friend after college. So I did tell the kids about my experiences. One day I hop to take the children to see the Mayan ruins:)

  3. My sister takes her children to Mexico each summer to visit their grandparents. One of these days I want to join her! I enjoyed teaching some of the cultural aspects of Mexico, and other Spanish speaking countries when I taught Spanish a couple of years ago. I didn't have my students make the Ojo de Dios craft, I wish I did!!!!

  4. Looks like fun! And me some dinner! ;)

  5. That's neat. I like the God's eyes with the sticks. They looks so much more natural and make a much better decoration. I won't look at your messy background if you won't look at mine.

  6. Thanks for linking up, we just did Mexico too, and i forgot to link to my very own hop! Ha!

  7. Interesting approach to God's Eyes. How big did they turn out? I grew up on the border of Mexico and tend to forget that my kids need to study Mexico also - they didn't get all the knowledge of Mexican culture just by being carried in y womb.

  8. What fun! I love to read about your adventures in education. Your children are so blessed to have you as their mother. Thanks for sharing! Smiles -

  9. The God's Eyes are so neat! And I love Taco soup. Thank you for the recipe! And I've never made enchiladas. Are they difficult?

  10. I was so excited to see this post!
    I'm really interested in the Little Passports program possibly for next year :)
    This looks like SO much fun!
