
Monday 12 March 2012


My husband took my daughter to the track this weekend. First time for them both! Princess came home so excited and can't wait to go again.

Getting suit up and waiting to go in for the safety briefing which was quite intensive according to my husband.

The map of the race track they were on.

My husband said that Princess was going so fast he couldn't keep up. But all in all did a fantastic job only spinning out a few times. We will have to work on that lead foot of hers before she reaches 16:).

Little Man was not able to go because of his age but he had a birthday party to attend so he handled missing out on this fun activity with out so much as a whimper. Daddy can't wait to take him in the future


  1. What a great outing for father and daughter! love the pics...she is glowing with the excitement!

  2. This looks like so much fun! I wish we had a place to do this near our house. Thanks for sharing with NOBH! Smiles -

  3. Wow, that was truly a fun adventure for you daughter. The pictures are awesome, what fun!

  4. o i'm so pleased to see she's included in this FuN!
    i was too as the only girl in our family & love it to this day :)
    we have one outdoor track on each end of the city and an indoor one for winter ! considering our snowfall, that's a great concession...
    Cheers to you for including her and to Princess for meeting the challenge with aplomb!!

  5. This was a great activity and one I never would have thought of doing with my daughter so it was a great idea. My husband wants to make sure his daughter gets to do all the things his son gets to do:)

  6. I went go karting once and it scared the heck out of me. I was so wimpy, everyone else was lapping me. Then right after we went, a news article came out about the karting places in our area having many safety violations. One lady did not have her long hair properly secured and it got caught in something on the back and ripped her scalp right off her. Disgusting, I know. Anyway, the article made me feel somewhat justified for my phobia. The fact is, however, I would have been scared, even if we had gone some place that was the safest go karting place in the world. I don't know why, but something about driving those little things freaks me out!

  7. I just love your family! You do the neatest things! Carting! Who would have even thought of it! We have a carting place near our home, but we only went once. (It took months of saving to be able to take our family). Now I want to go again. With my girls. We'd rock the joint!!!
