
Monday 10 October 2011

Holiday trip to Rhodes, Greece

My family took a weeks holiday beginning of October and traveled to Rhodes, Greece. This holiday was a bit different then any holiday we have ever taken before in that we actually relaxed!!! We didn't do our usual rise early in the morning and scour every inch of the island and try to take in every cultural experience, tour every museum, and then return late at night to collapse into the hotel room. We are the type of people who often return from holiday saying we need a holiday from our holiday:)!. Not this time, we promised the children we would spend time at the beach and at the pool and allow them to just play, swim and unwind. My husband and I joked prior to leaving that we wouldn't last 3 or 4 days before we would go stir crazy:)! To my amazement neither my husband or I went stir crazy laying around, we actually enjoyed it!!! I was able to read 3 books that week , swam in the ocean, and took a nap every day at the pool it was heaven.

We did take 2 excursions outside the hotel resort but other than that we stayed put and had a great time.

Our resort Hotel had 3 large swimming pools and a private beach.

The kids really enjoyed having the slides and we spent almost all of our pool time near these slides:)

The beach, while not the sandy haven we were hoping for it provided the kids with lots of adventures and explorations!

Swimming in the Ocean and seeing the fish was one of Princess's favorite activities, while Little Man preferred the pool with the slides.

This is what I spent my time doing and I did not once pick up a home schooling book, or any school related activity for a whole week!

My husband and I took turns napping by the pool

Since we were at an all inclusive resort (first one we have ever stayed at) there were tons of activities adults and children could participate in, here are a few we indulged in.

Hubby and Princess playing water polo. They both enjoyed it and played several times.

Jet skiing at the beach. First time for everyone to do this!

Every evening there was a children's disco and then a night time show, my favorite was the Greek night when there were Greek folk dancers there along with a band.

Children dancing, music was in English, Italian, Spanish, French, German. You haven't lived until you have heard the Chicken song sung in French and the Macarena sung in Italian:)!

There was even a children's club that my children went too a few times on their own when they wanted a break from the pool.

So it was a successful holiday! Has this changed us from our usual holiday travels, I have to honestly say NO!. I missed going to the museums, I missed touring the island and felt I left Rhodes not really getting to see the Greek culture and people. Which is something I love to experience. While I loved the holiday I think we need to figured out a way to balance relaxation with real life experiences too. But I will say this opened my eyes to what a truly relaxing holiday is:)!

Next post will be on our excursion to Lindos and the Acropolis!

I am linking this post up to Let's Hit the Road Field trip hop--join in and see what others are doing!


  1. This looks fabulous and to be able to relax on a vacation with kids is a feat in itself! Glad you enjoyed your trip! Clicked a vote for you!

  2. Your trip looks totally relaxing. I would love to just sit by a pool and read a couple of books. I would feel like I was in Heaven. I loved all the pictures and thoughts. I would have loved this adventure. A good break from your routine type of adventures; I would say was theraputic.
    Just keep on enjoying your moments!
    Living Waters by LeAnn
    Having problems with google comments -

  3. That looks awesome!!! I need to plan a holiday for us... :)

  4. How wonderful--been looking forward to seeing these pictures. We are the "we need a vacation to recover from our vacation" type of people as well. But you made this lounging around vacation sound fab!

  5. We did a lot of this when my sister was here. I'm glad you had some time to really relax, but I miss your adventurous posts too. Balance, we all need that. lol

  6. jealous, lol. good for you not opening a hs book!

  7. I know what you mean. Having to take a holiday from your holiday! I'm so glad you could relax! We loved Rhodes! Especially the old town! We didn't stay at a resort, rather at Hotel Phaedra close to the old town. We got so hooked on Gyro pitas we couldn't eat anything else! Thank you for sharing your memories!

  8. What an amazing trip! Thanks for sharing the pics. Greece........maybe one day......

  9. So jealous! I would love to visit Greece, or anywhere in Europe Really! Maybe one day...we've talked about the possibility of working in Germany one day...we'll see.
