
Friday 7 October 2011

Hatfield House and Queen VIctoria

Last Friday the Children and I signed up to go with a British Home ed group to Hatfield house and participate in a Victorian Day. The last time we visited Hatfield House was 2 years ago when we went for Henry the VIII Tudor Day. There has been a lot of changes since we last went as there are now shops, and a small restaurant outside the home. At the back of the house there is a rather strange white art piece that I must say looks out of place next to a 600 year home. I didn't take a pictures of it as I didn't like it. I wasn't able to take any pictures of inside the house which is a shame as the staff were all dressed up in Victorian clothes, playing their part in explaining the roles of a Victorian household. I am always disappointed when I am not allowed to take pictures as that is my way of documenting what my children are seeing and doing. I did buy post cards at the gift shop so can show you a few rooms.

Hatfield House has a long and interesting history. It is probably best known for being the childhood home of Henry the VIII children, Mary, Elizabeth and Edward. However Queen Victoria visited the house at least twice in her lifetime. Today the talk was about her first visit to the house and what that meant for the staff and the cost to the host a Queen. The children also got to met "Queen Victoria" and learn a little of the history of how she came to the throne and the struggles of the people in the empire. It was a great over view of the time period we are studying and gave me a few more ideas on what we may need to cover in our studies:).

Front of the home

Back of the home where there white art work was! Last time we were here we entered here for the Henry VII program!

Who are those cute kids;)

First we were taken into the Kitchens, I couldn't find any post cards of the kitchen but it was huge and all the items inside were either copper or cast iron. Children were told how even in the servants areas there was a strict order of things based on your station within the house.

Marble Hall, very grand

Grand ball room where most of our talk occurred including meeting "Queen Victoria"

Artist drawing of the ball held in honor of Queen Victoria first visit to Hatfield House.

The next few picture are of rooms that the children did not get to view this visit. But I thought I would show them any way:)

(oops this scanned crooked:)) The winter dining room...maybe there is a summer dining room somewhere as I am told this house has over 220 rooms.

Another crooked picture, sorry

Chinese bedroom. Chinese art and design was very popular during the Victorian period.

I am linking up to the Let's Hit the Road Field trip hop!


  1. I'm laughing because I was thinking, "Ohh cool, how did she post the photos at an angle like that?!?!" Then you revealed the truth saying you accidentally scanned them crookedly. I think I prefer the idea of you being an artistic visionary. :-)

  2. Fascinating. The Victorian is one of my favorite eras!

  3. wow! what an interesting trip, thanks for linking up!

  4. Cool field trip; my kids would be jealous. Thanks for being a NOBH host -- I'm following you now. :)

  5. What an exciting field trip! As always, we here over in the states are always "jealous" of your historical journeys. Thank you for sharing!

  6. What a wonderful experience! I always wonder why they won't allow pictures. Are they afraid someone will make a duplicate house and program? Thank you for sharing!
