
Monday 19 September 2011

Wroxeter Roman City

Our last stop before heading home was to visit Wroxeter Roman City. While we aren't studying Romans (we did that 2 years ago) we had read that this was at one time the 4th largest Roman city in England. But better still the BBC had made a replica of one of the houses using only Roman tools and engineering. We were told that there was a TV show on it but they didn't sell the DVD in the shop. We have been told that the Discovery channel bought the rights to the TV show so we are hoping to be able to view the show soon.

Okay this is embarrassing all my lovely pictures are gone from my camera. Disappearing into the technology abyss:( Fortunately I bought a few postcards that I can show you. But you won't get to see the inside of the Roman house:(.

Ariel view of the city and how large it was. It began as a Legionary fortress and then later became a civilian city of approximately 5 to 6,000 Roman citizens and slaves.

Is is known for its impressive bath house. The red paths represent the main roads of the city. Most of the bath house was built in the 2nd century. They even had an out door pool (see the large rectangle hole in the ground! However the Romans soon found out it is too cold in England for an out door pool so it was eventually covered up and has recently been found again.

Inside the bath house. The brick in the foreground are what is left of the raised floors of the bath house. The Romans bath house had heated floors!!

Artist drawing of what the Roman bath house looked like

This is one of the last remaining walls of the Bath house.

View of the reconstructed home of a wealthy Roman citizen! This building was completed in 6 months using only the tools and the technologies known during Roman times. Quite impressive and it gives you a real feel for how the Romans might of lived.

Behind the house and the Roman landscape garden.

We really enjoyed touring around the ruins and it was so large and impressive. I am linking this post up to The Field Trip HOP


  1. Wow! It looks amazing! I have to admit I am a bit of a travel novice. I do not like to travel, thus we don't often do it. Although, the kids are looking forward to an extended trip through the Western portion of the US in a couple of year.

  2. Your field trips are soooo AWESOME!!! Very jealous of the opportunities that you have right now where you are living, but very grateful to get to see everything with such great photos (Even postcards)

    Have a great night!

  3. Thanks for an other good view of your adventures and I like Roman history. It is amazing how they planned and built cities in those early Roman times.
    Blessings to you; loved it!

  4. Looks like another wonderful trip. Sorry to hear about your camera. I need a new camera, mine acts like it is possessed or something.

  5. How wonderful to experience that in real life.

  6. I think the TV series is "Time Team", but don't think they have the DVD for it.

  7. I love ancient ruins! Thanks for linking up!!

  8. We almost went there! We ran out of time. I'm so disappointed, now that I see what we missed! You have such great adventures! And I can sympathize with the idea of covering up a pool because of cold water!!!
