
Wednesday 21 September 2011

Art Lesson

We are continuing our art lessons using Meet the Masters program. We are studying one artist per month and this month we learned about Piet Mondrain. I couldn't really find any children's books about this artist so we instead relied heavily on art books and the web to get a better understanding of this artist and his style. I have to say I wasn't a huge fan of his art when we started but after examining it and learning a little more I can appreciate it.

At the end of every lesson there is an art assignment that the kids and I complete. Looking at the art I thought it would be a fast and easy project but working with just black lines and 3 colors took a lot more thought for all of us.

Each of us did it our own way and each picture came out unique and different.

First we had to decide did we work with the black lines first or the colored squares all the while keeping in mind the balance of the art work.

After we decided on the positions of our colors and the black lines we glued them down on white card stock.

After quite a bit of thought and I was surprised patience from the kids we have our completed art work!!

Little Man's


My attempt

They are all different, the only thing that we all did the same which was not planned was we all chose to do the picture in the same direction.

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  1. Your art projects are beautiful. It is really great how you join in with your children to complete a project. Have a wonderful week. =)

  2. I like the art projects. We are spending more time on art this year at the request of my 12 year old daughter. I will have to look into Meet the Masters.

    Thank you for linking up to NOBH!

  3. Hi Anna-Marie,
    These masterpieces are beautiful! You know I bought MTM program, but have not had the time to work on it! Aaaa!! but your posts inspire me to dig in and try it out with my kids :) You should frame these works. They are really great! Voted for you! :)

  4. Those are little masterpieces!

    Very cool!

    ...danielle - raising little rhodies

  5. Looks like you guys took this lesson all the way. We just couldn't get motivated about it this particular MTM lesson and kind of flaked on the final project.

  6. I like that you are doing the lessons with them. Are you continuing to do that?
    Thanks for linking up with the virtual refrigerator!
