
Monday 25 July 2011

Norfolk Lavendar Farm

A while ago on one of our many drives we passed Norfolk Lavender farm and decided one day to come back to investigate. This past weekend we went to see what was there.

There were huge fields of lavender of various variety and of colors. We even saw a white lavender. The scent of the lavender was awesome!!

They also had a distillery on site to extract the oil from the lavender. I really, really wanted to see this process but it was closed on the weekend:(

They are trying to collect all varieties of lavender from around the world.

Had to showcase these pictures. First picture there is a bee coming towards the stem. The second picture has the bee landing on the lavender plant. It was just luck getting these photos:)

This sign says that Norfolk Lavender was recognized by the Prince of Wales.

In addition to the amazing lavender fields there was a flower garden and small animal area.
Willow weaving small rabbit and a den. These are very popular over here in gardens.



Shetland pony



Tons of chickens and roosters of all varieties


We had a lovely day out. I am linking this post up to the Field Trip Hop. Stop by and see what else is going on:)!!!

Also join in the NOBH, lots of categories to link up too:)


  1. I love following your adventures. The pictures and thoughts are so informative. I wonder if you should publish a book on your adventures;just a thought.
    Blessings to you!

  2. I can imagine how good so much lavender in one place lavender can smell! Were you able to just walk through the lavender fields? I would like to see the distillery too- please take photos the next time you go!

  3. I love lavender! Looks like so much fun and I bet the smell was heavenly. Visiting from the Hop.

  4. How beautiful! I bet the lavender was neat to see.

  5. Cool! I love lavender! It is very big here in the Pacific NW. I have never seen a rhea or zebu in real life, though I have them in my Tap Zoo. :-)

  6. It was a great day and I do hope to go back and actually see the distillery process but I will phone ahead to make sure it is open:) I will do a post when ever that happens:)

  7. Oh, wow! I LOVE lavender but I would definitely have to take some Zyrtec first!

    I hope you can go back and watch the distilling process someday! Sounds really interesting.

  8. This looks like a fun trip! The lavender must have been so beautiful to see first hand! Love the pics and the weaving! Clicked a vote for you! Hope you are having a nice trip! :)

  9. I've just got back from our holiday in Norfolk, we visited the lavendar farm and had lavendar cake in the cafe! It was raining, so we didn't get to see the animals, but maybe next time.

  10. So glad you got a chance to go was the distillery up and running that day:) I so wanted to see that process. Hoping I can go back one day and see it:)
