
Friday 22 July 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week:

Very busy week but aren't they all:)... I belong to an International Ladies club and it was my week to plan an activity for the ladies to do. Since I make baskets I thought I would teach how the ladies how to make baskets. I used to teach classes about 15 years ago. It was a lot of fun but also a lot of work.

There were about 10 ladies who participated in the activity. My daughter even joined in and made a basket which is something I haven't done with her before this meeting. She needed a bit of help to finish the basket but otherwise weaved it herself.

In our homeschool this week:

Trying to finish up loose ends while at the same time have summer fun. Wrapping up our WWII unit by finishing our lap book. Continuing to work on our Ocean study unit. The children have vetoed my ideas for how and what to study about the oceans and we are now mainly concentrating on ocean animals. They want to study whales, dolphins, squids, octopus and sharks. So I am changing my direction mid way thru the unit which is always fun to do, NOT!

Curriculum is arriving and it sort of feels like Christmas. I am excited to get started with the new curriculum I purchase but it is a bit daunting also. I will have to be even more organized (which I am not known for) then ever this year in order to get it all in. I am starting to feel the pressure and wondering if I have aimed too high this year. But I must think positively!!!!

We are reading:

Little Man is reading with me the retold version of Gulliver Travels
On his own he is reading Calvin and Hobbs and the Wright on time book 3

Princess is reading so much this summer and has really taken to her Kindle.
The Last Leopard
Throne of Fire
The Elephant's Tale
Ice Fire

I am actually finding some time to read and it isn't all home school stuff for a change!

Sara's Keys
Unbroken: A World War Two Story
Homeschooling for the rest of us

Thoughts/Questions I have:

I am looking for a good children's cook book. I would like my 9 year old to begin making contributions to evening meals. Most of the children's cookbooks I have seen for are snacks or desserts. Any recommendations?

Photo of the week!

My daughter's completed basket with some help from me:) This is the same basket I taught the ladies to do at the International Ladies club!

Join in the New Field trip hop. Lots of exciting things are happening, take a look and join in!

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  1. Re: Kid's Cookbooks

    We have the DK Children's Cookbook. My 13DD loves it. Some of the recipes are quite challenging.

    We also have the Kids Multicultural cookbook. It's fun but full of weird stuff. We eat weird stuff already so that works for us, but more conventional American palates might find this to be more interesting as a learning tool and curiosity than actual cookbook.

  2. Someone in our new c-op (for next year) may teach a basket-weaving class. I asked if *I* could sign up! LOL

    How fun! I love getting those curriculum boxes in the mail! I hope my boxes come next week!

    Cookbooks? I've found that the kids actually like ADULT cookbooks with pictures the best. Check out your library!

  3. Basket weaving looks like fun and your daughter did a great job on hers! I have some children's cookbooks but can't think off the top of my head their titles. I need to get my kids more involved in the kitchen! New curriculum for me is always overwhelming. I hope to do a post soon on what I plan to use. Like you, I think I have too much to accomplish and little time, but positive thinking is right! :) Clicked a vote for you! Happy Friday!

  4. Wow! Your daughter really did a great job on that basket. Basket weaving is one of the skills for our Keepers at Home Club and I am very reluctant to attempt it, as I have no idea how to make a basket! Thank you for sharing!


    We're going to try this for the fall.

  6. When I read about your homeschooling; I appreciate all that you awesome mothers do that homeschool. I appreciate more all the hard work that my daughter does in her homeschooling.
    Basket weaving looks like a great activity. I have a friend that does basket weaving and maybe I will get into it.
    Blessings to you!

  7. That is soo cool!!! Love the baskets!

    My science plan got derailed by the kids too. We are being thrown into animal studies instead of habitats. They want to learn about all different animals, and the size of the library section of animals will keep us busy for a few years:( Oh well. I told them space and human body really soon. At least in September. Let them have a little control for the next month:)

    Have a great week!

  8. That's a beautiful basket!!!!! So intricate and beautiful- I love the two openings!

    Are you familiar with celebrity chef, Jamie Oliver? He has done a series of YouTube videos as part of his Food Revolution, where he cooks. Often, he has his kids cooking with him, too. They are like mini-cooking shows, and he cooks healthy meals- not just desserts. Perhaps this can serve as a sort of cookbook for your kids?

    Here's the link to his YouTube CHannel, where you can browse the little mini cooking show videos:

    We have similar backgrounds- I was PT in my former life, before staying home and homeschooling my kiddos. (-:

    I love the idea of the fied trip blog hop! I'm going over there next to checkit out..

    Happy Sunday!


  9. Thanks everyone for the recommendation on the cookbooks I am going to be checking them all out as my daughter is very excited to begin cooking the family meals

  10. I have the Dora and Diego cookbook, but that is for younger kids. We've used several over the years and none of them have really wowed me. Let us know if you find a good one. My older kids all can cook well though. Just including them in the cooking a lot helps.

  11. Wow, she did a great job on her basket! And she looks very proud of it!

    I know what you mean about Christmas--it's fun to get the stuff for the new year (and a little intimidating as well!)

    I'm going to check out the Jamie Oliver videos, too. My kids like to cook with me. The cleaning up afterwards...not so much!
