
Friday 1 July 2011

A NEW blog Hop and a Feature Post

Today I am announcing a brand new Blog Hop. I am very excited about it as it has already attracted some attention and it officially opens today!!!

The Field Trip Blog Hop will be a month long and I hope will excite people in the many ways learning can be done outside the home. Field trips are a huge part of my family's home schooling and we love traveling and exploring new places.

If you want to know more about the how and why's of our taking so many field trips stop by Tiffany at Sweet Phenomena. Tiffany asked me a month ago to do a guest post and the topic "Field Trips" was perfect timing to do an introduction to the new hop. Please stop by and visit Tiffany; she is a homeschooling Mom who posts on the struggles, revelations, and excitement of home schooling and everything in between.

Sweet Phenomena

Grab a Field trip button (code found on the side bar) and join in the Hop. Can't wait to see where every one is going and all the wonderful learning opportunities you and your children are having!

Also Jennifer of Chestnut Grove Academy is also doing a weekly Field trip hop. She started hers 2 weeks before my release. I contacted Jennifer and she was very gracious and did not object to me doing my month long Field trip hop. Thank you Jennifer!!! Hopefully we will be working together in the future to help both hops be successful. Stop by and see where everyone is going on her weekly Field trip hop! great minds think alike:)
Chestnut Grove Academy Field Trip Friday Blog Hop


  1. Great job Anna-Marie! Congrats on being featured on Tiffany's blog! I just hopped over there and left a comment! That's neat that Jennifer is doing a similar hop :) Best wishes for a successful field trip hop that I will participate in and support as much as possible :) Clicked a vote for ya!

  2. This is perfect for you because you take your family on wonderful field trips! I hope you inspire many other homeschoolers. Blessings!

  3. I love field trips! I'm a new follower so I can see where everyone is traveling.

  4. Hi Anna-Marie, what a great resource for homeschoolers and for those of us who are not, but can benefit from it too!

  5. Field trips sound like fun! I'll have to look into it. Thanks for sharing about it. I'm "following" you from NOBH and would love a follow back. Thanks.

    Redo 101

  6. What a great idea! We love field trips and Dora gets older, I am trying to expand her horizons, so greatly welcome new ideas.

  7. Fun! We've been homebodies lately, but we do have some outings planned for this month...
