
Monday 4 July 2011

Happy 4th of July and Ice Cream

We had/are having a busy weekend. The military base near us had a 4th of July celebration/carnival on Saturday. Then on Monday we are heading to an amusement park, this is my son's long awaited for birthday special event. We don't have Birthday parties for our children instead we prefer to have the children pick a special event that they wish to do with the family. For the second year in a row my son choose an amusement park:) (at least it is a different one from last year!)

Today I wish to share a great activity we did with our children this week that would be easy and perfect to do on a hot day in July.


The ingredients are very simple 1/2 cup milk or cream, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, rock salt (table salt works too) ice and flavoring (like chocolate) Also need Gallon zip lock bag and quart zip lock bag.

You can find several different direction on the web along with videos:)

Add 1/2 cup cream or milk to quart size zip lock bag.

Add 2 Tablespoons of sugar to milk or cream

Add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla to bag
Add flavoring to bag, we added 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup to one of our bags. Zip up the bag

Next use gallon zip lock bag and put 2 trays of ice cubes inside

Add 6 tablespoons of rock salt. You can add table salt but I believe you need a larger quantity.

Add the filled small quart size bag inside the ice and salt bag and zip up tight!

Give the children the bag and let them shake it for up to ten minutes. You may have to have the children wear gloves as the bag get very, very cold!!!

Mom and Dad get in on the action too!

Ice cream is done. We made milk ice cream and the cream ice cream. We all preferred the cream as it had a richer taste. This was enough for one serving.

We had a lot of fun with this activity and I am sure we will be doing it again very soon!

There is a Brand new HOP in Blogosphere -- The Field trip Hop -- It is open all month so be sure to link up any trips you have made with your children and share the adventure:)

Also it is a new month of fun link up for NOBH. Lots of new categories to link up in and lots of blog fun.

HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!!!!!!!


  1. Looks like everyone had fun making ice cream! That's on my list of things to do this summer as well. I'm your newest follower (came via the Fun in the Summer Sun blog hop).

  2. Love it! I'm going to have to use this for my next babysitting night. Blessings!

  3. Fantastic! What a fun activity! And if you play music while you shake it, you could create a new dance!!!

  4. Love the pics of your family enjoying this activity!! We're making ice cream this Friday for a sleepover....we'll be using our ice cream maker, though! ;) Thanks for linking up with us for Fun in the Summer Sun!! Now following your adventurous blog!

  5. Yum! I need to get out our Ice Cream Ball (from LL Bean) and have the kids shake and roll up a quart of vanilla one of these days! We like to have a bunch of toppings - jimmies, crushed cookies, M&Ms, etc - and chocolate sauce. A great summer activity! Stopped in from the HHH!

  6. Hi Harvest Moon by hand. Thanks for follwoing and I am following back

  7. Hi Renee Ann

    This would be a great activity while babysitting:) My kids had great fun dancing around with their ice cream bag:)

  8. Diane
    Great idea to play music I didn't think of that but we did sing songs and dance to keep the kids motivated

  9. Hi Jill
    thanks for following and I am now following back:)

  10. Hi Our side of the Mountain,
    We shop at LLBean and were wondering if those little balls work:) We may have to get one as these bags got very cold

  11. We did this with our scouts last year! It was a fun activity for the first meeting of the fall. Of course, we had them shake the bags OUTSIDE, just in case!
