
Friday 29 July 2011

Look what the kids found!!

While fixing the kids lunch, I shooed them outside to run off some steam, when both came running excitedly back into the house saying they found something. Turning off the stove I went to investigate.

A dead rodent! Laying on the patio. Of course being the home schoolers that we are we couldn't just let it be, we had to find out what kind of rodent is was because I didn't know just by looking at it and the children wanted to know what it was! Thank goodness for the internet:)

So we carefully pick it up and took in inside and tried to figure out what it was on the computer. First we tried vole, mole, English mouse but all came up empty. Then my daughter suggested we look up shrew and sure enough that is what it was!

Little Man was quite upset that the animal was dead:( Look at his sad face!

So the children decided to buried it in the garden. It was so cute to see them working together to give this rodent a decent burial.

We did find a bit of blood around the neck of the shrew and the children and I hypothesize what may have happen to the shrew. Our conclusion it was probably killed by one of the many cats that roam the neighborhood.

Just another average day in a home schooling family:)!

If you haven't heard there is a new Field Trip Hop going on, Check it out and see where other home schoolers are going on their field trips:)

Also take a peek at the NOBH and see all the categories you can link up to:)

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Flowers, Flowers and more Flowers!!!

Anyone else think I am channeling Georgia O'Keefe in my photographs:)

Monday 25 July 2011

Norfolk Lavendar Farm

A while ago on one of our many drives we passed Norfolk Lavender farm and decided one day to come back to investigate. This past weekend we went to see what was there.

There were huge fields of lavender of various variety and of colors. We even saw a white lavender. The scent of the lavender was awesome!!

They also had a distillery on site to extract the oil from the lavender. I really, really wanted to see this process but it was closed on the weekend:(

They are trying to collect all varieties of lavender from around the world.

Had to showcase these pictures. First picture there is a bee coming towards the stem. The second picture has the bee landing on the lavender plant. It was just luck getting these photos:)

This sign says that Norfolk Lavender was recognized by the Prince of Wales.

In addition to the amazing lavender fields there was a flower garden and small animal area.
Willow weaving small rabbit and a den. These are very popular over here in gardens.



Shetland pony



Tons of chickens and roosters of all varieties


We had a lovely day out. I am linking this post up to the Field Trip Hop. Stop by and see what else is going on:)!!!

Also join in the NOBH, lots of categories to link up too:)

Friday 22 July 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week:

Very busy week but aren't they all:)... I belong to an International Ladies club and it was my week to plan an activity for the ladies to do. Since I make baskets I thought I would teach how the ladies how to make baskets. I used to teach classes about 15 years ago. It was a lot of fun but also a lot of work.

There were about 10 ladies who participated in the activity. My daughter even joined in and made a basket which is something I haven't done with her before this meeting. She needed a bit of help to finish the basket but otherwise weaved it herself.

In our homeschool this week:

Trying to finish up loose ends while at the same time have summer fun. Wrapping up our WWII unit by finishing our lap book. Continuing to work on our Ocean study unit. The children have vetoed my ideas for how and what to study about the oceans and we are now mainly concentrating on ocean animals. They want to study whales, dolphins, squids, octopus and sharks. So I am changing my direction mid way thru the unit which is always fun to do, NOT!

Curriculum is arriving and it sort of feels like Christmas. I am excited to get started with the new curriculum I purchase but it is a bit daunting also. I will have to be even more organized (which I am not known for) then ever this year in order to get it all in. I am starting to feel the pressure and wondering if I have aimed too high this year. But I must think positively!!!!

We are reading:

Little Man is reading with me the retold version of Gulliver Travels
On his own he is reading Calvin and Hobbs and the Wright on time book 3

Princess is reading so much this summer and has really taken to her Kindle.
The Last Leopard
Throne of Fire
The Elephant's Tale
Ice Fire

I am actually finding some time to read and it isn't all home school stuff for a change!

Sara's Keys
Unbroken: A World War Two Story
Homeschooling for the rest of us

Thoughts/Questions I have:

I am looking for a good children's cook book. I would like my 9 year old to begin making contributions to evening meals. Most of the children's cookbooks I have seen for are snacks or desserts. Any recommendations?

Photo of the week!

My daughter's completed basket with some help from me:) This is the same basket I taught the ladies to do at the International Ladies club!

Join in the New Field trip hop. Lots of exciting things are happening, take a look and join in!

Also join in NOBH

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Summer Carnival Fun:)!!!

Join in the New Home school Field trip Hop and share the adventure of Learning:)!!!

Join int he NOBH

Monday 18 July 2011

One Year Blogiversary!!!!

I can't believe it, today is exactly one year from my very first BLOG post ever!! I have come a long way in that amount of time. Still loads I have to learn but I am slowly figuring things out. When I started out I first posted 4 goals that I hope to achieved. So let me give a brief recap.

1. Keep in touch with my family and let them know how we are doing --- ACCOMPLISHED, my parents read my blog and now have a great idea what my children are learning and where we are traveling.

2. To learn how to use the computer --- Still working on this but I am getting better. My husband kindly bought me a computer book to help get me started...still haven't read it, sorry Honey, just too boring. Luckily I have met some wonderful people out in Blog land that have been kind enough to help when needed. Huge Shout Out to LYNDA at My Heart's Desire for being my tech support when it comes to blogger:)

3. To document my family's traveling adventures---ACCOMPLISHED and I am going to continue with this as we are still doing lots of traveling.

4. To document our home schooling journey---ACCOMPLISHED and I am going to continue as it is a great way to document our schooling activities.

In addition to those goals I have accomplished a few other things that I never thought I do. In fact I had never heard of them prior to this year:)

Began a blog hop, not just one but two;)
The No Ordinary Blog Hop (with Tracy and Lynda)

The Field Trip Hop (on my own)

I have been asked to do 3 guest post for other people's blogs. How fun!!!!

I have earned a couple of sweet blog awards. So exciting to be recognized!!!!

I met a follower blogger, Tracy and her family, from A Slice of Smith Life, in person while traveling and made a new friend:)

Lots of great things have happen since my first post, so now what? I am sitting here thinking what should be my goals for the next year? I would love to have a goal of becoming a better writer or story teller because I see some great writers out in blog land. But lets be honest here, I am not a professional writer. I write most posts late at night when my kiddos are in bed and I am utterly exhausted. I do my best but I know there are mistakes and errors. I try to catch them but don't always and I am okay with that (most of the time).

So back to goals...should I have any...hmmm.......any suggestions?