
Sunday 8 May 2011

Mother's Day Letters


In England, Mother's Day is celebrated in March. However as we are Americans we continue to celebrate in May. The difficulty with this is you can't find Mother's Day Cards in the card stores in May. By the time my husband made it to the military base to buy a card they were all out. One evening this week he mentioned this to me and I jokingly informed him that there was construction paper in the school room, he could make me one. My husband does not do crafts!!!

Today I woke up and received 3 lovely letters from my son, daughter and husband. I will cherish each one forever.
From Little Man age 6, with some help from Daddy

From Princess age 9

From my viking warrior

I also want to take this time to wish my own Mother a wonderful Mother's day! We love you loads and can't wait till you and Dad are here, only 2 weeks to go!!! The children are counting down the minutes:).


  1. Oh Anna-Marie, these are priceless treasures! Each one brought a smile to my face, I can only imagine how much love you are feeling from these gifts. I love your Little Man's words about how you hug and kiss him twice a day (is he counting :) ) and he plays at 1:00 PM (wow, are you that scheduled? :) ) Princess' words are precious too and her drawing is so cute! Your Viking Warrior deserves a big hug and kiss for taking the initiative to follow your "cue" about the homemade cards that no store bought card could even come close to copying!
    You are a wonderful Mom as your children and husband so lovingly stated! I hope you had a blessed and Happy Mother's Day!

  2. How sweet! Love the viking photo!

  3. These are precious Anne-Marie. Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Those wonderful cards make you want to sacrifice so much more. Your husband is a really wonderful man. I loved the "silk outfits in summer and flannel in winter" and "the way you make my lunches too big". =)

    Happy Mother's Day, Anna-Marie! I hope you had a beautiful day full of love and joy.

  5. Never knew that about England!!! Although those cards definitely beat any store-bought! =)
    Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day on our American Day =D
    Please be sure to link up and create a Monday Memory post on your blog. I can't wait to see what you have to share this week!! =) Oh, and leave your email address if you want to be a host next week!!!

  6. lovely! yes, i got to post two mother's day blogs ~ one for uk and one for canada/us ~ love the xtra opp to bless women! glad your day was blessed :))

  7. Hi Anna-Marie, I didn't know you're originally from the states. How long have you been in England? Your family's mothers day cards are touching.

  8. I aak a new follower of the month long blog hop...Sounds fun! My blog is Looking forward to following this group!

  9. This was a fun post. I too love it when I get a homemade card. I had one from 5 of my grandchildren that brought me to tears. My husband as written some lovely sentiments through the years and it has been way sweet. Thanks for sharing these adorable thoughts.
    Blessings to you!

  10. awe, so sweet. those handmade cards are the ones we mothers cherish the most. Better than any store bought card!

  11. Happy Tuesday Anna-Marie!
    Clicked a vote for you today on PF. Have a great day! :)

  12. Hi Tracy,
    It is always funny to see how Little Man sees things and I am not that scheduled. He even confused my husband a bit:) I am blessed with a good hardworking wonderful husband. I got very lucky indeed

  13. Hi Maureen,
    Thanks for commenting hope you had a good Mother's Day too

  14. Hi Mary,
    Happy Mother's day to you as well.

  15. Hi Lynda,
    Yes my husband surprised me as he is the quiet silent type and doesn't like to express his feelings out loud. So having him write something down was a real surprise and amazing

  16. HI Kelsi,
    Thanks for stopping by sorry I miss the deadline for your linky I was out of town:)

  17. Hi Faith,
    I think next year my husband will remember to buy a card in March and save it for May Mother's days. Don't think he wants to be caught empty handed again

  18. Hi Noreen,
    We have been here 2 years and plan to be here until 2013. We love it here

  19. Hi Lori
    Thanks for following and I am following back:)

  20. Hi LeAnn
    How wonderful your husband has written things for you. My husband doesn't like to do this type of stuff he is the silent type. But he lets me know in other ways daily that he is there for me always and that is all I ask for:)

  21. Janeen,
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting:)
