
Tuesday 10 May 2011

Living History

This past weekend my family participated in a Medieval living history village held in Braintree. This is the first time the kids have had their "kit" and able to dress up as viking children. I am still working on getting my "kit" together so I am in civilian clothes taking lots of pictures:)

The kids watching the chickens, Little Man, did not listen to my warnings to not touch the chickens. He eventually got pecked pretty hard by the Rooster. There was blood, screams and tears and you would have thought lesson learned. However I caught him several more times over by the chickens determine to touch one. He has a stubborn streak, inherited from his daddy:)

Entertaining themselves with Dandelions. Ever since the kids were little I have called them wishing flowers and the name has stuck.

Princess found viking beads and made a necklace to add to her costume.

9 Man Morris game

Kids are getting pretty good at playing this ancient game.

Another game Little Man fell in love with at a vendor's stall. I didn't get the name of it but it is a marble game.

Little man trying archery and announcing he wants to take classes so he can get better at shoooting arrows:)

Out of 6 arrows he hit the target once and he was so proud of himself:)

Not to be out done, Princess having a try with the bow and arrow, she also manage to get one arrow into a target:).

Resting by the pond and watching the baby ducklings swimming.

The children practicing sword fighting.

My viking warrior fighting with his spear

Fighting with his sword and shield

Musical entertainment more of the Tudor period

Lunch cooked the modern way. I was told the skin of the pig is the best part called Crackling. I didn't care for it at all:(. But the pork sandwich was delicious.

It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun learning how the vikings live. Kids entertained themselves for nearly 6 hours before finally having enough of the heat and we headed home.

Please Join Tracy, Lynda and I at the NOBH!


  1. So fun!!! Love the costumes and that is so neat that your kids love playing games that are NOT plastic and don't make noise :) And mmmmm...pork sandwiches, yum! :) Lovely photos of your day! So glad you had fun :) Clicked a vote for you today!

  2. That looks like a really fun day! The costumes look great.

  3. How fun Anna-Marie! Your children will remember this forever! Your pictures will make a great keepsake for years to come!

  4. Happy Wed. Anna-Marie! Saying HI and clicked a vote for you! Today our family is going to a Change of Command ceremony for a friend of ours who is in the Marines. His family homeschools with us. He will be in charge of 8 squadrons now. The military life is fascinating to me! Have a good day!

  5. How neat! I love the costumes. :)

    Thanks for visiting and following A Helicopter Mom! I'm following back now.

    Have a great night,
    A Helicopter Mom

  6. Hi Sarah
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting:)

  7. Hi Tracy,
    How fun to go to a change of command service! being a Marine is very tough. Hope you enjoyed it!

  8. Hi Mickey,
    Thanks for stopping by and following:)

  9. Hi Noreen,
    My husband has visions of us continuing this in the states. We will see. Right now the kids enjoy it.

  10. Your family looks so good in their costumes. I really like the photos of your children relaxing. They look so peaceful. Another wonderful post Anna-Marie. At least I get to live vicariously through you in your great adventures. =) Have a wonderful day.

  11. I love following your blog. You do such fun activities with your children. I loved all of the fun costumes and learning activities.
    Fun post!! Blessings to you!

  12. Wow, England is such a great place to homeschool in! Living History is so awesome. Too bad about your son getting hen pecked even though he doesn't have a wife. Har har, aren't I too punny!

  13. HI Tracy
    It is fun to pretend to be someone else and just relax for the day. I plan on joining in soon but I am going to learn some ancient crafts.

  14. Thanks Sarah for stopping by and commenting:)

  15. Hi Noreen,
    Yes the kids really seem to enjoy it and it really makes us slow down as a family and just be for the day:) Life was so much easier in some way back then:)

  16. Hi LeAnn
    Thank you for your kind words and for all of your wonderful support:)

  17. Hi Maureen,
    England has really made learning history so much fun for the kids and even me. I don't remember liking history that much as a kid in school but now it just comes alive:)

  18. Looks like you had a really fun time.
    My favourite chicken experience was with DD8 when she was 3 she decided to ride one of our chickens and complained when it 'bit' her on the bum - I think she learned her lesson as I've never caught her riding one since
    visiting again from NOBH

  19. SO fun!


  20. So cool!! You are very blessed to have such great resources so close to you. We live in a very small town, so don't have many opportunities to do outside activities.
