
Wednesday 13 April 2011

Happy Occupational Therapy Month!!

I was asked to be a guest blogger!!! How exciting my first time being a guest blogger!!!

Jennifer Miller over at a glimpse of our life asked me to write a guest post on Occupational Therapy. If you didn't know, that is the profession I gave up to became a homeschooling Mom. Head over and take a peek at Jennifer's blog. She is another homeschooling OT mom and check out her blog and get some OT tips for gardening:).


  1. I just went over to Jennifer's blog and scrolled down to read your guest post! It was great! I loved what you said with all the OT tips and gardening and the photos you submitted were perfect! Congrats on being a guest blogger! You have such wonderful things to share and I'm glad a different blogging audience will be able to "meet" you through your guest post :) Clicked a vote for you!

  2. What sweet comments, thank you Tracy. I think I fixed the link so now it will take you straight there:) It was fun to do:)

  3. Great guest post Anna-Marie. You gave some very useful tips. I wonder if my mothers twisting to reach for things is hurting her lower back? I had never thought of that. Now to get her to stop it. lol

    Have a great day. I voted and am now off to get some sleep. =)

  4. I loved your post on OT for the garden. I have back problems; so I appreciate that list of things to do when gardening.
    Thanks, for the post! LeAnn

  5. Thanks so much for sharing. I've had a lot of visitors linking there today from your blog. Be sure to check back at the comments-- they are telling you thanks for the tips!

  6. Hi Anna-Marie!
    Happy Thursday and stopping by to say "good morning" and voted for you! :)

  7. PS: Yeah, no CAPTCHA code when I comment :)

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