
Friday 15 April 2011

Easter Activities

One a penny, two a penny, Hot Cross Buns...Everyone has heard of this Nursery rhyme...but have you ever seen a Hot Cross Bun? When we moved to England we found for the first time a honest to goodness Hot Cross Bun in the grocery store, they don't cost a penny, however;). We just had to buy it and bring it home and try it out. While they can be found year round these days they are very popular at Easter time.

While tasting these yummy rolls for breakfast, I decided to do a little research to find out the meaning of these cute little breads. I found this site , and this site which explains the history of Hot Cross Buns. Very interesting!

You can eat them cold as Princess like it or toast it and add a bit of butter as Little Man and I like it. Hubby hasn't tried them as they have raisins in them, not his favorite:)

This will now become a Easter tradition in our home while we live in the UK and maybe, just maybe I will learn to bake my own. Here is a recipe that I found that looks simple enough.

This week the kids have been putting on the finishing touches to their Easter tree. Originally it was to only hold styrofoam Easter eggs that the kids painted, but we kept finding more and more things to add to it.

Painting our eggs. We used paints and then added glitter glue to make them a little more decorative.

While at a charity shop I found a cute Easter craft book for about a quarter and brought it home. We used it to decorate our Easter tree by making garland and pin wheels and cutting out Easter cards to make it prettier. There is even a rabbit mask at the bottom:)

Our finished Easter tree. Very cheerful!! It is placed in the entry way of our home so visitors can spot it the moment they enter the home. The kids are very proud of their creation:)

I am linking this post up the Kimberly at Happy Hearts Academy

Be sure to join Lynda, Tracy and I at NOBH for the entire month of April. Win a Star blogger award for the most link ups! Hope to see you there:)


  1. I've never seen/eaten hot cross buns either. Thanks for the sites about their history. I clicked on them and read a little about them. I'm not too big on raisins either. Your Easter tree looks beautiful. That is a fun tradition! Clicked a vote for you! Have a happy Friday!

  2. Hi Anna-Marie,

    Thank you so much for linking up this week. I love all the Easter projects you and the kids did. I am going to try Hot Cross Buns for the first time this year and boy are the kids excited. They look super yummy! The easter tree is amazing. What a great idea! I love that the kids painted the eggs to add to the tree. Glitter glue is always a hit in our house. Very fun! Thanks for sharing your great crafts, and yummy breakfast treat this week. Have a wonderful day!

  3. We love hot cross buns, too!

  4. Happy Saturday Anna-Marie!
    Stopping in to say HI and clicked a vote for you! Have a blessed weekend!

  5. I love hot-crossed buns. Anything from a bakery makes me smile. I'm not big on raisins, but they can be picked out. I feel like I have missed out on some of your posts, but I went back and have read them all. I have been voting. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter season. Your tree is beautiful.

  6. HI Anna-Marie,
    Happy Monday morning! Have a blessed week! We are taking a break from the books this week and preparing for Easter and taking a spring break :) The kids are excited! Voted for you today!

  7. We make our own hot cross buns from a Delia Smith recipe (you can find it on her website)
    very yummy and super easy - give it a try :)

  8. Aloha! So beautiful the crafts you did with your children!!

  9. Hi Tracy,
    Thanks for the votes:) we did a unexpected get away so I have been away from the computer. Enjoy your spring break:)

  10. Hi Kimberly,
    I love your hop of posting the kids art work although my stuff seems to be more crafty in nature:)

  11. Hi Phyllis,
    I have never heard of Hot Cross buns till we moved here but they are good:)

  12. Hi Lynda,
    Hope you are enjoying your week. We have decided to take the whole week off and regroup next week:) A spur of the moment trip has thrown me off schedule:)

  13. HI Zelda
    I will have to check her recipe out. The kids want to make some this week:)

  14. Hi Christie,
    Thanks for following I will be checking out your blog soon. I see you are from Hawaii. We have been there several times and LOVE it:) My husband wants to retire there:)

  15. I hope you had a great trip and enjoying some time off. We have had way too much time off, and are making up for some lost time. Have a wonderful, restful week. =) I voted for you.

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