
Monday 14 February 2011

A New Family Member

A while ago we visited our neighbors house as he wanted to show the kids his gecko collection and snakes. I posted about it here. My children fell instantly in love and wanted one for our home. Once my daughter got home she was so excited that she created her very own lap book all by herself and you can see it here. I was so very proud of her. We agreed to have a new pet. Last night our new family member arrived along with his box. Our neighbor was kind enough to give us one of his old boxes, lamps and other items we would need to keep our gecko happy and healthy.

So without further ado I introduce you to our new family member who has been christened by the children as...


We believe it is a girl and it is a juvenile gecko. It should grow a little bit larger in the next couple of months:0

Sparky's new home. We will be adding new and improved features soon.

Our neighbor advised us to allow the gecko a week or two to get used to his new home before the children try to handle her. The kids are so excited.


  1. Very cool! My ds has 4 snakes, but a Gecko is on his wish list.

  2. You are very brave Anna-Marie. I am not into having any creature like that in my home. My son has been begging for a dog, but I just can't handle something else to take care of right now. Your kids must be out of their minds with joy. =)

    Have a great day, and I voted for you.

  3. Welcome home Sparky! That is so cool, but I'm not sure I would be willing to have a gecko, but my son would go gah gah for a gecko! How fun!

  4. Oh boy this looks like fun. I bet the kids are super excited. Sparky looks pretty cute. Keep us posted and enjoy your new family member!

  5. Hi Mary,
    We haven't seen much of it yet it is still hiding in his box. Hope she will be more comfortable soon and come out

  6. Hi Lynda and Tracy
    Kids are super excited to finally have our Gecko. My daughter has been bugging our neighbor for weeks:). They can't wait to hold it!

  7. Hi Mommy of 3,
    I am sure there will be a few more posts on Sparky in the future right now she is hiding in his box. We are hoping she will come out soon.

  8. Happy Tuesday Anna-Marie! Hope you have a great day with Sparky and company! Clicked a vote for you!

  9. Good morning! I just wanted to let you know that I have given you an award on my blog today! You can come and ckeck it out here...

    It's totally fine if you do not accept awards! I just thought the thought would be nice. :)

    Have an amazing day, The Adventurer!

    Also, welcome to Sparky!

  10. Welcome home, Sparky! She did a wonderful job on her lapbook!

    Visiting from the Hip Homeschool Hop this morning!


  11. Thanks Aubrie Anne for the award. How exciting will get working on passing it on this week. thanks for thinking of me;)

  12. Our side of the Mountian,
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting:)

  13. Hi! I'm visiting from Hip Homeschool Hop. My boys would love a pet like that! Me, not so much, you're a good mama!

  14. Congrats!!!! I would love to feed our pet mice to a snake. Don't like them, but I don't like snakes either. Sparky is cool. Our kids would love one too. Have fun!!!!!
