
Friday 11 February 2011

The Destiny Rover

Continuing our study on Mars and learning about space rovers that have landed on Mars, we had a go building one. Last year I bought the kids the snap circuit rover kit and finally got it out of the closet and we spent the morning putting it together. Actually it only took abut 30 minutes to assemble it and I let the kids play with it for a bit this morning.

Following the directions to assemble

Adding the circuits to make it go. Team work required

Our completed Rover which the children christened Destiny:) They had a go trying it out in the hallway but then we decided.... use a blanket to make ridges and hills like on the surface of Mars.

The children had a great time trying to maneuver the Rover around our makeshift landscape. If the batteries hadn't run out we would be outside trying to come up with some obstacles for the rover to maneuver around.

Next week we are on to Jupiter!

Join in on the NOBH for the entire month of February, one lucky blogger will win an award and get a spotlight of their blog next month. Join in the FUN!!


  1. We love snap circuits! My son plays with the set he got for his birthday! Your rover looks great and so much fun! Clicked a vote for you! Have a blessed weekend!

  2. Oh, FUN! We love snap circuits, too! But we've never built the rover. It looks awesome!

  3. Our girls are really into planets at the moment.

    I think some of Jupiter's moons are the current favourites. They were also fascinated by the possibility of life on other planets and that is at 5 and 7 year old!

    I love the bloghop idea too.

    We have a similar blog (but have settled with kids after travelling through a good part of the world). I say good on you for taking the leap of faith and travelling with kids!

    Please drop by our blog when you have a moment and have a look at our ideas for making everyday activities fun and relevent!

  4. HI Tracy,
    We have the Jr circuit board too. It is a great activity for kids.

  5. Hi Sparklee,
    The Rover has several different set ups. So it is lots of fun:)

  6. Hi Jill
    Thanks for following and I am following back:) I have never made it to Australia but it is on my list of places to visit!

  7. Looks like fun. It's so nice when you put something together and it actually works like it's supposed to!
    Janet W

  8. Hi Janet,
    It is what makes homeschooling great:) Also listening to them talk to their grandparents and telling them everything they learned this week makes my day:)

  9. Happy Sunday Anna-Marie :) Hope you are having a great weekend! Clicked a vote for you!

  10. What a cool rover! Jupiter should be even more fun . . .

  11. Hi Anna-Marie! I voted for you. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend and are ready for a new week.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Anna-Marie, Happy St. Valentine's Day! I gave you some blog love by clicking a vote for you again today :) Have a blessed day! (I removed my original comment because I needed to edit some of my wording)
