
Monday 29 November 2010

Winter Wonderland

It is funny how you can live somewhere and still not know what is going on around you. We have lived in England for 2 years and until last week did not know that London had a Winter Wonderland market in Hyde Park. This is its fourth year running and the first I ever heard of it. I had been looking for something like this for 2 years. So after visiting the Titanic exhibit we headed over to see what was there.

Plenty of photo opportunities to get you in the Christmas spirit.

Lots of very expensive carnival rides

And the highlight of the evening....Drum roll please.......!!!!!!

A visit with Father Christmas as he is known here in jolly ole England:)

It was a lovely market and one I hope to visit again next year. It has gotten the family in the mood for Christmas. Next up decorate the Christmas tree!


  1. Hi there, I'm dropping by from *the hop* today!

    I can only imagine how charming it must be to celebrate Christmas in the land where Dickens lived:) Your outing looks like so much fun! And I think Father Christmas is a much finer name than Santa Clause, too:)

  2. Looks like fun :) And it looks cold outside too which is a plus to get into the Christmas mood, since it's been fairly warm where I live :) I love the Winter Wonderland entrance sign, so festive! I'm glad you were able to finally find Winter Wonderland this year so your family could enjoy :)
    Clicked a vote for you today in case I didn't tell you yet!

  3. Hi Lora
    Thanks for following. I like the term Father Christmas too, but my kids don't:( It is always fun to see how others do Holidays around the world. We are having so mych fun

  4. Hi Tracy
    Yes we are very cold it is below freezing right now which is very unusual for England. It has snowed twice this week already. I love the Christmas lights and music this time of the year. It gets me into the mood:)

  5. You make me laugh Anna-Marie! I enjoy hearing about your adventures and your new finds. Have a great day. I voted for you today.

  6. That looks like so much fun - we have a similar thing in the town I live in, and my kids think it's so magical! Following you from link love, hope you can visit me at and at Facebook at Thanks!

  7. Hi Lynda, Glad to make you laugh:) I am always amazed what I missed considering I scour every newspaper and community paper I can get my hands on to see what is going on in our area. I always miss something:)

  8. Hi Melissa,
    thanks for following. I love the magic of Christmas and am always looking for fun places to take my kids (but also I like to go to) I am still a kid at heart:)

  9. Hi Anna-Marie,
    I clicked a vote for you today :) Stay warm and have a blessed day! I'm excited about the hop we are hosting this month with Lynda :) So fun!

  10. Interesting, I've never heard of a Winter Wonderland park before. I guess it must be an English thing. My kids sure would love it though!

  11. Thanks for stopping by Maureen. I will be doing lots of post about Christmas in England as they do some things very differently:)

  12. Wow, looks like lots of fun!

    I'm not feeling any Christmas spirit yet! We're going to put the tree up this weekend, maybe that will help...
