
Tuesday 30 November 2010

Off to Hogwarts

Tracy, Lynda and I are GIVING JOY TO THE WORLD when one blogger will receive a $30 Target gift card from our "No Ordinary Blog Hop" giveaway! Just click on the button below for more details on how you can join this fun blog hop throughout December and try to win a Target gift card at the same time. Hurry! The last day to enter the giveaway is on Dec. 10th, but you can continue to link your blog hop posts until the end of December!

We have been to King Cross station many times since we moved to the UK, but this is the first time we found the famous platform 9 and 3/4. After walking several times up and down platform 9 and not finding anything we went to the information desk. We were told to look at the very end of platform 8. (HUH) So off we marched thinking surely there would be a sign. We can't be the only ones wanting to take a picture of this site. But there is no sign anywhere! We finally stumbled upon the famous site by seeing a line of other Harry Potter fans waiting in line to have their pictures taken at this famous site. WHEW we are not the only ones standing in the cold waiting to have our picture taken!

My daughter has read every Harry Potter book at least 3 times and has watched 3 of the movies. I thought the other movies were too scary so we are going to wait a bit to watch those ones. Fortunately my daughter agrees that the movies might be getting a little scary and has agreed to wait a bit to watch them. Whew

My son has yet to enjoy the books or movies but has heard all about them from his big sister.

An empty cart just waiting for the next Harry Potter Fan to stop by!

I think we will have to go back during the warmer months for another photo opportunity:) Now that I know where it is located!:)


  1. OMG that is so cool! I am a 30 year old HP fan, would love to see that.
    I am your newest follower from Its Hump Day
    Please stop on by
    Tiffany @ Wyatt Family Farm

  2. i am your newest follower from the blog hop please follow me back when you get a chance Thanks!

  3. I <3 HP!! New follower, found you on the Happy Hump Hop! Visiting from The Adventures of Mommy B  :)

  4. That is SO neat! I am a huge Harry Potter fan!
    I'm visiting from the Hump Day blog hop!!
    I'm your newest follower & would love a follow back - thanks!
    Musings From a Stay At Home Mom

  5. Hi Tiffany, Missreviewlady, Mommy B and Erika Thanks for following. Harry Potter is very big in this house and I confess I have read all the books and seen all the movies except the newest release. But I will see it soon:)

  6. How great! Love the pictures. My kids will be happy to know that this platform really exists!

  7. I have not read the HP books, and have only seen parts of two of the movies. Will have to look into what this is all about. I am glad you found what you were looking for, though. Great post for the Blog Hop. I voted for you today.

  8. Ok, so my son explained it to me. I really need to watch the movies. lol My son thinks it is very cool that you were there. He wants to know if you made it through the wall. (Movie magic or not?!?)

  9. Hi Marissa,
    Yes it really does exist and the cart was a recent added addition according to the folks standing in line:)

  10. Hi Lynda,
    Afraid it was movie magic:) My daughter started reading them first and then I read them to make sure they weren't too scary. I have to say even I got hooked. They are excellently written compared to some of the recent books out there:)

  11. Is it odd that I think I'd enjoy that way more than my kids would!? :)
    I'm now following you through the Wednesday It's Hump Day Blog Hop! I hope you'll do the same! You can find me @

    Sofia's Ideas

  12. HI Anna-Marie,
    I stopped by your post here yesterday but forgot to comment :) I haven't read the HP books or seen the movies, but my oldest is getting interested in finding out more about the books/movies mostly because she likes the LEGO HP sets :) I'm glad you found the platform finally! :) Great job on spreading the word about the Blog Hop too! I clicked votes for you yesterday and today :)

  13. Hi Sofia
    thanks for following and commenting:)

  14. Hi Tracy,
    If you are worried about the books, try reading them first (I did). I was a little concerned at first but I have to say they are excellent. The basic premise is good versus evil. I will say the last 2 books got a bit darker and I wanted to wait to have my daughter read them but she insisted and I gave in, but we did talk a lot about them. The movies are much darker than the books. We stopped watching after the 3rd movie. Too much for my kid, I screened them ahead to make sure she could deal with them and I didn't think so. She even agreed after the third movie to stop watching the movies. But the books are still her favorite!!

  15. Ah, I'm so jealous! First that you are living in England, and second that you got to see this platform. :)

    I'm a new follower :) Hope you will drop by and follow back!


  16. Hi Petra glad you are following I am following back:)

  17. I'm so jealous! I can't wait till we come to visit England and the land of Harry Potter!

    I'm following you now too!
