
Monday 8 November 2010

Stylish Blog Award

I am thankful for my good blog friend Tracy from "A Slice of Smith Life" for giving me a blog award:) and I get to pass on this award to 15 other bloggers which I am also thankful for:) If you haven't seen Tracy's blog please stop by she is a great source of support for other bloggers and a wonderful person:)

Rules for accepting this award are:
  1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Pass this on to 15 other great bloggers you recently discovered.
  4. Contact the selected bloggers and tell them about their awards.
7 Things about myself:

1. I love to travel, learn about other cultures, traditions and hear stories from other countries. With my husband's job we as a family are very fortunate to be able to travel regularly. My goal is to visit every inhabitant continent. I need to get to Australia and South America to make this goal.

2. My favorite country is Germany. Every time we have visited it has been a lovely adventure and the people and places we have seen are remarkable.

3. I love to read and hoard books. I would rather buy a book then just about anything else. My husband is starting to complain:) My current favorite type of book to read is historical fiction. I just finished reading a series of books on King Alfred the Great and Genghis Khan. They were terrific.

4. My children are my greatest joy. I wish I had more patience with them.

5. I am computer challenged, just ask my husband and my friends:)

6. I love to make this with my hands but never seem to have the time. Right now I have taken up knitting again but can only knit a scarf or a hat. Need to work on learning to knit gloves.

7. I graduated from college with a BS degree in Occupational Therapy and worked for ten years before quitting to stay home with my kids. While I miss helping people (I worked with head injuries and neuro patients) I don't miss my career. Time to focus on my family right now.

I am passing the award on to and in no particular order to these fellow bloggers:

1. home school tweet

2. the Davis Daily Dose

3. Welcome to my kitchen

4. Our Crazy little life

5. Patriot Family

6. Krazy Kuehner Days

7. Suertemom

8. The Blessings Pour Out

9. My life isn't for this earth

10. Raising Three Thinkers

11. Karmamatopoeia

12. Light, liberty and learning

13. Ramblings

14. Katherines Corner

15. Princess Mom of 3

Please click a vote for me on Picket Fences before you go!!!


  1. It was fun passing on the award to you! I'll have to check out your list of blogs :) I clicked a vote for you and I love your new blog button! Do you have the code to go with the button so I can grab it and put it on my blog?
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Thanks so much for the award. I will write the post and decide who i will pass the award to also. Thanks again! Come by anytime for a great recipe

  3. Congratulations. Well done!
    Thank you so much for sharing your recognition with me. Do you feel this HUG! It's for you :-)

  4. Congrats on your blog award. Sorry I haven't been able to stop by til now to follow those on the Thankful Heart Hop. I will get thru list I think in the next couple days!! Such a great hop! :)

    Newest follower!

    Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs

  5. I have also passed this award onto you. Love your site!

  6. Awesome! Thanks! I'll get working on this today. :)

  7. Congratulations, Anna-Marie! I can't wait to check out the blogs you have chosen to pass it on to. I voted for you today.

  8. Thanks everyone for stopping by and commenting I have been so busy these past 6 weeks that I have been slacking off a bit. I love passing on the blog award and spreading the joy.

  9. Hi Anna-Marie!
    I clicked a vote for you again today! It was great to learn more about you with your great list of things about you! I can relate to #4 with my 4 "cupcakes" :)

  10. Following from the Hip Homeschool Hop

  11. Hi Kelli
    thank you for also passing on this award to me. It was a pleasure to pass it on to you.

  12. Congratulations! :-)

  13. Thanks so much for the award... I have passed it on. : )

  14. I hope you are getting over the jetlag. It may take some time to adjust to the time change. I voted for you today and yesterday, not sure what is wrong with me forgetting to comment. I hope you vote for Tracy only on the HSBA. There will be a better chance of her winning if the votes aren't split. Like I told Tracy I'm older than you, don't make me come over there and give you a what for. lol

  15. Your welcome Denise glad you passed it on:)

  16. Thank you for this award!! I will gadly except it and do the rules etc myself tomorrow!!!

  17. Thanks so much!!!! Sorry I didn't see this sooner--we've been out of town! I'm finally catching up with my blog buddies--looks like you've been busy, too!

  18. Hi Sparklee,
    No worries I have been out of the country for 6 weeks and trying to keep my head above water with blogging and school. Enjoy the award and I look forward to seeing who you pass it on to:)

  19. Thank you for the award you passed on to me. I have not been able to post it yet as choosing the fifteen to pass it on to is a daunting thing, and I have been ill, but I sat down to catch up on blogging (and rest) today after a busy weekend and hopefully will get it up this week or weekend. I hope you are having a blessed Christmas in England. How much fun would that be! sigh. Thanks again.
