
Wednesday 3 November 2010

Indian Echo Caverns

I am thankful for my wonderful parents for they are wonderful grandparents, my kids adore them!!! What are you thankful for. Link up to Thankful Hearts blog hop and share:) Click on the button to the right

My kids love going into Caves. They are fascinated with Stalagmites and stalactites and cave creatures and all the other stuff associated with Caves. My parents being the fantastic grandparents that they are found a cave the kids could explore.

First up looking for Gems in the water mill

Next exploring the caverns and listening to all the tales the guide had to tell. We even found a small cave salamander which made the kids day:)

Next playing at the park!

We had a great time and it was a beautiful day. I just love the fall weather!


  1. Looks like fun and the caverns look beautiful! Wasn't this your kid's first time looking for gems? Did they like it?
    Clicked a vote for you!

  2. Here for the Friday hops!...following you now.

    Come on by when you get a chance:

  3. I love caves too, even though I am claustrophobic. lol These are wonderful pictures. I voted for you, and congratulations on your award.

  4. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)


  5. Have safe travels today and I clicked a vote for you!
    God Bless!

  6. Hi Anna-Marie!
    I'm glad you made it safely home from your looooong, fun adventure! Hope you get plenty of rest today and I clicked a vote for you today (Sunday)!

  7. I look forward to hearing how your trip home was. Safe travels. I voted for you today.

  8. What fun!! Babydoll would love this!

    I love the family picture; it's a great one!

    What a wonderful opportunity to do the traveling you guys have been doing.

    Love following your adventures!

  9. I love the family picture. I've added myself to follow your blog. You are welcome to come by and follow my blog too if you like. :)
