
Sunday 8 August 2010

Pirate Day at Wicken Fen Nature Reserve

The kids and I spent the day at Wicken Fen Nature reserve for a kid filled adventure. The theme was Pirate Day and there were many activities planned.

First the kids made rafts out of sticks, willows and raffia ribbon.

Then there were raft races. Princess won her first heat but then came in 3rd place in the final race.

Next was a treasure hunt around the 1.5 mile boardwalk. Kids were looking for clues and needed to answer questions about Pirates. The prize for doing this...finding a treasure chest filled with chocolate coins. Each child could have one coin. Plus I count this as PE activity:)

After lunch was arts and crafts. Each child was able to decide what they wanted to create, there were at least 5 stations all around the room. Little Man was fascinated with cutting paper with fancy scissors. The kind that has curvy edges. I don't have any in the house but I will be looking out for a cheap set as this kept him entertained for at least 15 minutes:). He was making a paper bag treasure chest and is gluing on jewels here.

Princess decided to create Pirate treasure coins with clay. She also made a Parrot puppet but for some reason I forgot to take a picture of it, we may have been running out of time.

We will be attending another kid day in 2 weeks and the theme is Fairies and pixies. We had lots of fun and it was a busy day. I did have the kids write in their Fieldtrip journals about their day, and what they like best. My way of getting writing in:).


  1. What amazing travel adventures you have been're right that's a great reason to blog. With the pictures...yes 5 at a time then upload and then click add photos again and you can add 5 more etc. etc.
    Loved the sunflowers... there's an online sunflower study called The Great Sunflower Project where you can track your sunflowers and send in your recorded data... you might want to check it out, here's the link

    We do year round learning as well and this morning we are gearing up for the big grade level advancement.
    Have a great year I look forward to more of your travels...
    Happy blogging :):)
    Blessings Tammany

  2. Thanks for the advice. Will have to try that next time as I had so many pictures from our trip that I could only add 5 so I had to narrow it down.
