
Saturday 7 August 2010

Holiday Pictures and photo trouble

The wonderful view from our hotel window. Edinburgh Castle at sunset.

My wonderful husband saves the day again! Yesterday, I proudly and for the first time downloaded all my holiday pictures by myself. However, somehow ( I never know how I do these things) I managed to not download a quarter of the photos. I thought I had lost them forever as I had reformatted the photo card. This is where my super hero husband comes in (my very own tech support) he was able to recover all the missing photos and put them in my files. I bet he can't wait for my "how to use a computer for dummies" book to arrive:) Major crisis has been averted and I can now post a few holiday pictures.

Bamburgh Castle is the scene of the the Saxon Tales series by Bernard Cornwell that both my husband and I are reading. While we were there touring the castle, we stumbled upon a Danish Viking re-enactment village. My hubby was in heaven!

Visiting Farne islands and seeing the wildlife. My kids loved watching the seals. We also saw Puffins, North Altantic Terns, Shags, and tons of Seagulls! We were able to walk around the island which was once home to Saint Cuthbert but now a reserve for birds and seals. We have some amazing pictures. My kids couldn't get over all the bird poop on the rocks. It looked like snow from a distance.

Picture of the ruins of the Lindisfarne Monastery of St. Aiden. This monastery was rebuilt in the 11th century and survive until the 16th century when it was destroyed during the Dissolution of the Monasteries under Henry the 8th.

We had a great mini holiday and I look forward to going back to Scotland again as there is still so much to see!


  1. Great blog! I too have just entered the world of blogging. Ours is I love your photos! Keep up the great work.

  2. Hi Faith I did sign up for your blog. I am enjoying the new world of blogging. It has been an adventure
