
Friday 6 May 2022

Weekly Wrap Up 5/6/22-- Final weeks of 12th grade

 We are wrapping up the final year of homeschooling for my son!  His graduation ceremony is set for May 27th which is the day we close on our house and the last weekend we will be in this state before moving.  Things are at a very hectic pace around here with the packing, schooling and picking up our oldest from college!  

Luckily MarioFan is just about done with all of his school subjects!  His online classes (Spanish and Physics) end in two weeks!  I haven't been around to see many of his online classes this year due to other things going on at home but he is doing well.  I regret not seeing the physics labs and getting pictures!

For Literature  we read a play. I always try to have him read at least one play a year and this one my oldest highly recommended as it was one she read in AP literature class.  I have never read it or seen the movie so it was one MarioFan and I could read together.  We watch the movie after reading the book and discuss the haze laws and why the movie ending was changed. 

we have been reading along and listening to this audio book on you tube.  the voice actors are very good.  

Social Justice we just finished a unit on Disability Inclusion/Justice.  The boys finished reading the  following book on this topic. 

For one of the lessons we had the boys do activities as if they had some impairments.  While researching for ideas we discovered that this type of lesson may upset those in the disabled community. I remember doing this type of activity while in college getting my OT degree.  I had to spend a day in a wheelchair roaming around campus to get a feel for how difficult things are for those who are disabled.  We did discuss not doing this activity as we are teaching Social Justice for this class but in the end we felt it was worthwhile so long as we explained why it might be upsetting to some in the disability community.  

using scissors on the non dominant hand
trying to tie shoe laces for those who might experience sensory deficits.

button a shirt 

exercising with a straw to simulate someone who might have breathing issues 

using a blind fold to figure out a room

MarioFan had his last piano lesson last week.  We have been going to the same piano teacher for many years.  It was hard to say goodbye.  I am hoping he will keep up with his piano while in college but since his sibling didn't I am prepared for him to stop playing.  While both kids are very good pianist neither one had the passion for it as I had hoped.  Maybe one day they will return to the piano :) and thank me for insisting the practice every day for 30 minutes.  

Firedrake is finishing up college.  It is finals next week and then she comes home!  Next few weeks will be busy as we are packing out the house and finalizing our move.  

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