
Friday 1 April 2022

Weekly Wrap UP 4/1/22 -- Pre-dry wall inspection of New Home

 We got back a couple weeks ago from our pre-dry wall inspection of the house.  It was a quick trip where we met the realtor and project manager for our new build.  It was the first time we have seen the house in person.  Our house is the first to be completed on this street but there are several homes in various stages of build!

We hired our own house inspector to do a thorough walk thru with us to point out any issues.  He was very good.  Most of the things he spotted had already been spotted by the project manager and were being address.  

It was very exciting to drive to our soon to be new home!

this will be the living and will have a gas fireplace 

I might do a stain glass window with our house numbers on it in this window:)

Only real surprise was walking into Firedrakes bedrooms and finding no window!  
It was put in the very next day by the builder!

the area that will be my new stain glass studio it is about the same size of what I have now.

The inspector originally was not happy about the structure around the French doors leading to the back yard.  The next day the builder redid the framing and adding additional header board as the inspector requested. 
While there we got to see our front porch being poured.  We thought about putting our initials or hand prints in it but decided not too:) 

Why ruin a perfectly beautiful porch:)

It was so tempting though :)

While walking around the house our realtor kept mentioning how clean it was, which surprised me.  She said when she had a house built she had to go every two days or so to clean up the soda cans and cigarettes
buttes everywhere around the structure because she worried they would leave them in the walls.  (she had a different builder then us) 

Then we discovered this sign in the window, which is why our site was so clean.  Hope it wasn't just for our visit and that this is a requirement for the entire build 

the color scheme of the inside of our home

outside colors of the house although we will have a white trim instead of a pewter trim.

Everything went super smoothly for the walk thru and I am really happy with the builder and project manager as they seem very responsive to our questions and the items our inspector wanted fixed.  We weren't able to stay long so our realtor will be checking up to make sure all the items are fixed before the dry wall goes up.  

I had a fencing company stop by to do a estimate for building a back yard fence and we need to submit that to the homeowners association.  I am hoping to get that done before we close so we can get a fence built as soon as we move in for our dog, Luna.  I am also thinking of adding an irrigation system but didn't have time to meet with a company so I will be doing that soon.

Builder is still predicting a Mid to late May completion date.  We are very excited to be moving back to the East coast! 

1 comment:

  1. How exciting. I think your stained glass window sounds fantastic.
    Blessings, Dawn
