
Friday 18 February 2022

Weekly Wrap UP 2/18/22-- Snow Days!

The weather kept hyping up a huge snowstorm but since they usually get it wrong I never worry too much about it.  the first day of the so called snow blizzard was a bust, not much happen except for icy rain.   Everything shut down because of the ice but there was very little actual snow.  

The second day we woke up to about 5-6 inches and throughout the day another 3-4 inches fell.  I love watching snow fall, while inside nice and cozy.  However I am not a snow bunny and don't like being outside in the cold.  So after this day, I am more that ready to have spring arrive!  

MarioFan talked his Dad into more money for shoveling  snow.  We advised him to do an early morning shoveling and then a late afternoon one in order to not be too overwhelmed with the snow. 

this is the amount of snow that fell over night and it was about 5 to 6 inches

I went out to help for the first part because I felt bad  that he had to do it on his own, he still wanted all the money from his Dad though;)

the second shoveling had another couple of inches and we were all glad to see the snow stop

Dad went out to help do the sidewalks since MarioFan and I missed them in the morning..  I didn't help for the second shoveling, instead I made brownies:)

It has been very cold the last week or so and I am ready for spring now!  I like one good snow fall a year as everything looks fo pretty with freshly fallen snow.  However after a day or two, it is ugly with all the salt, dirt and slushy, icy mess that I am more than over it!  

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