
Friday 7 January 2022

Weekly Wrap Up 1/7/22 -- We are Moving!!

 Well this has been a bit of a secret for a couple of months but we have officially decided to move!  My husband has put in his retirement paperwork and we have bought our retirement home!  We are building a new home and it will be ready in June!  Yikes!  So over the Christmas holidays we have been talking to Realtors and have begun packing up a few rooms.  Usually when we move the Government has paid for it, but this time we have to pay for it and do all the packing.  I am slightly overwhelmed but if we tackle one room at a time it will all get done.  We have a March deadline to get our current house on the Market in order to hopefully sell it before our new home is finished.  

This is the pile of school work that I have saved from MarioFan's 12 years of school. Yes it looks a mess but it is actually quite organized and over the holiday I sorted through it and whittled it down to fit into one boxed!  I did the same for Firedrake when she graduated.  
I am slowly sorting through all the stuff we have in boxes and donating or throwing it out.    This was the pile of Christmas stuff we no long used so I put it on free cycle and it was gone in just a couple of hours.

 The first purchase of packing supplies and it is all used up already.  Need to get some more.

I have put the call out to several groups that I am letting them know that I am in desperate need of moving boxes and have picked up quite a selection so far.  I know I will need even more.  Picture boxes are hard to find and unbelievably expensive.  I have no idea how I am going to pack my stain glass windows!
This is my current stash of boxes and I am still looking for more.  The more I can get free the less I have to spend on boxes

While my Mom was here she helped me packed up the dining room.  We emptied the China cabinet  and made good progress.  My house is starting to fill up with moving boxes.  

Mom is excited that we will be moving closer to her, only 2.5 hours away!!  There are a lot of puzzle pieces that need to connect over the next several months so send positive vibes our way please,  We are going to need them!

1 comment:

  1. Moving is both exciting and daunting. That will be nice to live closer to family. I hope it goes smoothly.
    Blessings, Dawn
