
Friday 21 January 2022

1/21/22 Weekly Wrap Up -- family update

 We had to say goodbye to our Guinea Pig, Millie, in Dec.  Millie outlasted her sister by about a year.  Recently, we noticed that she just wasn't eating and was very lethargic.  We took her to the vet and he checked her over and said there was nothing that he could see that was wrong with her.  Since she was over 8 years old he felt her little body was just shutting down.  After some discussion of whether to bring her home and letting her die naturally (but we worried she would starve herself to death) or putting her down peacefully, we decided to let her go at the Vet's.  We brought her home and buried her near her sister in the garden.  

She was such a sweet piggie

We have gone from 7 pets to just 3 in 10 years.  We do know our pets have had a good life and lived their full life.  Now that the kids are getting older we are not replacing any pets!  Our Cat, Elvis  is nearly 16 years old and has many health issues, Luna the dog is 8 years old and has back issues and Lizzy the gecko is at least 10 years old and appears to be healthy, I think she will out last them all!

Moving is progressing but the house is a mess!  So many decisions what to keep what to give away and what to just toss.  When you live in a house for over 10 years you do accumulate a lot of stuff.

I made the very hard decision to get rid of my dining room furniture.  My parents bought this set in Taiwan over 40 years ago.  When they downsized they gave it to me and I have had it about 20 years!  It is  solid teak and it was a beautiful set.  

I re- upholstered the chairs over 10 years ago with a friend when we lived in England
It was a huge set with amazing carvings on it.

Our new house (we are downsizing) will not have an official dining room and this set was just too big to put in our new house.  I called around to see if there were any organizations willing to take a donation but with covid no one would come to the house to get it.  I just didn't have it in me to call the junk man. So I posted it on a local give away site and was lucky enough to find someone who would treasure this set like I did.  To be honest since it is an Asian set I really didn't think anyone in my area would be interested in it.  My mother was shocked I just gave it away as it is probably worth several thousands of dollars.  Anyhoo, the nice couple who took it, sent me a picture of how it was set up in their house!

I am so glad this furniture will continue to be loved as they don't make them like this anymore!!

We have our reconstruction meeting next week, woohoo!!!  They can start building our new house!  Ground b reading to happen next Friday!  It is so exciting!  We have one more month to get the current house ready for it to be listed.  We still have a lot to get done!

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