
Friday 5 November 2021

Weekly Update 11/5/21 Home repairs and clearing out the school room

 We are looking to possibly sell our home next year.  Now that the kids are fully grown and I am done with homeschooling the house is too big and we wish to downsize and possibly move out of the area.  I want to move closer to my Mother and my Husband is seriously thinking of retiring.  So we have been looking around the house and getting a few repairs done that we have been putting off

We replaced the deck boards --  we wanted to do this 2  years ago but lumbar was hard to come by.  But luckily we found someone who had a stash of cedar wood and was able to tightening up the railings and make sure the deck was up to code. 

We have been meaning to paint the porch porch for awhile but never had the time. So we finally hired someone to do it for us.  

They did a good job and also painted the railings, the columns and the door .

I have been clearing out the school room and getting rid of so much stuff.  I have held on to things the kids made when they were in elementary grades.  Oh and the books, I have so many books.   

I cleared off my 31/2 book shelves and did everything I could to give them away to other homeschoolers or even public school teachers.  I only had three people come by to sort through the books they took boxes of books away but we still ended up with loads to take the the recycling center.  It broke my heart that I couldn't find someone to take them especially since I was GIVING them away.  

This is all I kept. trust me when I say these book shelves were completely full. Some books I just can't let go of.  I even got rid of all the kids school projects that I have been saving for years.

My husband did think it was a bit ironic that we spent all day clearing out the school room and then this was delivered to the door.  In my defense it is for my Human Geography class that I am teaching :)

My art/science shelf was cleared out and I donated it all to our local co-op art and science teachers.  We literally filled up their car 

Now to schedule painters to come in and paint and fix the many holes in the walls that we have made.  While I am sad to see all my and the kids work gone it does feel good knowing that this phrase of the life is almost over and I am excited to see what comes next, even if we are in the planning stages.  

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