
Friday 19 November 2021

Weekly Up date 11/19/21 12th grade update

 MarioFan is plugging along with school and we seem to be hitting a pretty good stride but we are incredibly busy.

For Social Justice we just finished reading the book Stamped and while good and eye opening in some areas it does require looking at it with a very critical eye as it can be very biased is some areas.  We had some excellent discussions about the book and we agree with some things,  we also didn't think some of the arguments were well researched or they were written from a very biased point of view.  As with everything you read these days you must look critically at it and recognized what is well researched and what is not.  Race relations in this country are very divided and while we are making progress we have a long way to go.

Next topic in this class will be voting rights/gerrymandering, which is a very current event in todays world.

For Human geography we are reading and looking at very critically at is Jared Diamond's book Guns, Germs and Steel.  There are some very public and angry critics of the book as well as some very strong defenders of the book.  Chapter 3 seems to be the cause of where most of the angst comes from.  Again we had some great discussions and learn to look very critically at what was in the book and also what the critics were saying.  WE finished up talking about the Anthropocene era and climate change next we are learning about land changes and population changes which we hope to finish up before Christmas.

For Literature we have begun reading the novel Slaughter house five.  

On line physics class is going well, I was out of town for the second physics lab so no pictures to show, hopefully I will catch the next one.

Cybersecurity is at the half way point in finished the online curriculum.  MarioFan is enjoying it and learning quite a bit.  After doing a GIS class with his Dad he wants to investigate this area as a possible career path so I am researching resources that we might be able to use to give MarioFan insight in that career option.  

MarionFan just completed his slide presentation about codes and  plans to explain it to his grandmother when she comes to visit for Thanksgiving!

Spanish is going well.  Recently he sat through a spanish cooking class with a friend of the tutor who was doing a cooking class for college students.  The entire 90 min class was in spanish.  He said he could follow along fairly well. 

the Spanish chef  showed the the students how to make patatas bravas and spanish tortillas and gave all the students the recipe so we may be trying this pretty soon.

Mariofan is loving driving and always wants to drive these days.  I am actually getting better at being in the car with him while he drives.  He is doing highway driving now and loves hitting higher speeds.   He is still meeting up with a driving instructor every other week to assist with learning or fine tuning his driving skills.  

I am taking next week off from blogging as Firedrake is coming home from college and my Mother is arriving to spend the Hollidays with us.  I plan to enjoy some family time and take a break form all things school related.  MarioFan however has a few school days to do before he can take a holiday break.  He decided to work a little now so that he can take a longer break at Christmas!  

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