
Friday 15 October 2021

Weekly Wrap UP 10/15/21 -- 12th grade

 This week I am away visiting my Mother, but MarioFan is at home with his Dad and is continuing with his studies and online classes on his own. MarioFan and his Dad took a weekend away to visit Firedrake at college while I was away. 

He is now reading the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding for Literature

For Human geography we are learning about the Anthropocene era and have begun reading the book Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond 

For Social Justice we are learning about race, racism and reading the book Stamped by Jason Reynolds and Ibram Kendi

MarioFan is doing a lot more driving and doing well.  However I am very much a nervous mother in the care which is driving him crazy.  He prefers to go driving with his Dad because he says I make him nervous!  

Still working on all the other school stuff but nothing too exciting to report on.  :)  Maybe when I get home I will have a few pictures of their visit from college.  Mario fan is excited because his Dad said he could drive on the highway part of the way and go 70 miles per hour!  I am so glad I will miss that trip as I have a heart attack if he drives above 40 at this time lol

1 comment:

  1. I am teaching my son to drive right now too. I am kind of glad I taught his sister first. It helped me know what to let go for the moment. He is still in parking lots for now.
    Blessings, Dawn
