
Friday 1 October 2021

Weekly Wrap Up 10/01/21--School and family update

 We are now at full load for MarioFan's Senior year.  All online classes have started and we are working out all the little kinks that come with a new school year:)!  All additional activities have started which means I am running around like crazy getting MarioFan to various activities.  we have late nights 3 nights a week and since everything is back open that means I am driving to places.  I actually missed MarioFan being able to do his extra activities online.  So much easier for me;) 

For Literature are reading:  Things Fall Apart

For his writing assignment he is looking at writing a research paper on the Igbo people.

Physics class started last week and seem to be going well.  First  lab was completed!

MarioFan participating in the online class!

The Spaghetti Lab -  looking at the weight spaghetti noodles can hold 

They did this using 3 strands up to 9 strands of spaghetti noodles.

then weighed the amount it took to break the spaghetti strands.  

Spanish tutoring class began last week as well 

it is a small online group that meets weekly and they are concentrating on speaking more Spanish 

We are meeting every Friday with a friend to do three classes together; Personal Finance, Human geography and Social Justice!  Afterwards the boys get to have some fun time together to socialize because we have all heard how homeschoolers don't get any of that, right;)

For Social Justice watching a Great Course video on anthropology and race.
which was a homework assignment 
We have been enjoying this program from Beyond Personal Finance.    If you are looking for something different than Dave Ramsey I would recommend this program.  The instructor in the video is very engaging and the weekly budgeting is eye opening for the kids.  

For Human Geography we have just wrapped up our unit on Maps and understanding the five themes of geography and absolute and relative location.  We have also identified many different types of maps and how each of them are distorted in some way.  We watch the very funny "West Wing" clip on the Mercator map:) 

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Firedrake is doing well at college feeling much more relax overall which is good.  She is required to work a 4 hour volunteer job weekly which is a condition of her scholarship which is throwing a slight hiccup into her schedule but she is figuring it all out.  I think I should have done a little more time management skills with her before sending her off as she is definitely not finding it easy to balance everything even though her parents think there is more than enough time to do what she needs to do and have down time to relax with friends.  Some things they just need to figure out on their own and learn from mistakes made (not that any mistakes have been made yet)

I have resumed going to the gym (I am up and out of the house by 6:30 am) and trying to talked my husband into joining as well so we can both get healthy.  He is off the supplemental O2 (from his covid nightmare) but still needing to build up his overall endurance.  

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