
Friday 6 August 2021

Summer Activities

 We have been keeping busy and the summer is flying by with only a few short weeks till we begin our final year in High School!

Firedrake is home and working about 30 hours a week.  She spends so much time in her bedroom talking to her friends we hardly see her these days.  Occasionally she comes outs to visit.  She is talking about getting an apartment next year with a friend and I am both excited and terrified.   She also recently had dental surgery and is still recovering from that experience.

MarioFan has participated in 2 virtual camps at home, a driving camp and a sleep away camp.  

The sleep away camp is a science and animal camp and MarioFan signed up to watch a surgery on a dog!

We are also trying to get to six flags park every other week since we missed going all of last year!

Luna our dog is having some back issues.  We have had to take her to the emergency vet several times.  Their recommendation is for her to stop jumping on and off the bed, which she absolutely loves to do.  So I purchased a dog ramp for her 
She was less then impressed at first and tried her hardest to figure out a way around using it.  

Look how far she can reach without actually putting her hind legs on the ramp.  After a few of days though she did catch on and now she uses it like a pro!  Hopefully that will be the end of her back issues. 

I have been working in my glass room, not getting as much as I would like done but that is a never ending battle for me.  
I finished my commission piece for our local music shop.  The owner was happy how it turned out. 

I made this as a gift for my husband's old boss.  He  was recently moved to a new position and he wanted to give his boss a gift.  Every year she has doves roost on her deck that she enjoys, so I made her some permanent mourning doves.  I hope she likes it. 

I finally got my lamp off the mold-- I have put in 20 hours on this piece so far and still have about 10 hours to go 

I was able to hold it up to a light and see the colors.  I love the vibrant Blue!

I have also started working on another musician panel for my Husband to hand in his office.  Any guess who this might be?

My husband and I took a virtual class through the library on mixing cocktails.  It was excellent and now we know how to mix a few more cocktails, and since retirement is only a few years away it is a skill we think we need to learn:). 

He has become a master of mixing drinks now.  everything turns out so good.  

Lastly I have signed up for a gym class.  I have been attending 4 days a week and trying to work on myself this year.  Since MarioFan and Firedrake don't need me around so much.  It is time for me to improve my own health.  I won't say it has been easy but I am determine to go even during the school year!  

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