
Friday 27 August 2021

Weekly Wrap up 8/27/21-- Cleaning up the school room and college send off

 Last weekend we dropped off our oldest at college for her sophomore year!  She streamlined her packing list this year leaving many things behind that she just had to have last year,  lol!  We got her settled in and she is looking forward to another year in college.  I was hoping this college year would be a little be more normal but with the virus still around it looks like another year of split in person and online classes.  Such a shame as she can't enjoy the true college experience of clubs and activities of previous college students. 

This is a whole lot better than last year:)

She is all settled into the dorm room, met two new roommates and ready for her sophomore year

We have gradually begun 12th grade this week.  We usually start off slow and build up our schedule.  None of MarioFan's online classes have begun so we did just a few things, building up to a full schedule in the next two weeks!  

We still use our School Room as it works better for MarioFan's concentration to have a set place to go.  So over the last week or so I have been tidying up the room and sorting out curriculum and restocking our supplies.  Does anyone else have trouble throwing out old projects?  Even though I have documented everything through the blog I just can't seem to throw out the old projects so they are still cluttering the room, sigh.  

MarioFan's workspace for physics which is is taking through outschool.  I just receive the lab box and we haven't assembled anything yet.  I think we will wait still the class starts next month, just to make sure we don't lose or misplace anything.   He even has a few snacks on his desk for when he need a pick up lol

his computer for online classes which is next to his lab desk fo science

Below is MarioFans work space, I still have him do most of his school here as I find if he is in his room there are too many distractions and he day dreams.  At least here he seems to take things more seriously.  I will work with him on some subjects but he does most of it on his own.  If he doesn't need my help I work at the computer planning the next day assignments or other household mundane things. 

It is clean for now but it won't stay this way for very long!

This is the cleanest my desk has been in a year.  It won't stay this way I assure you.  Clutter seems to follow me wherever I go:)!

Overall it doesn't look too bad, I need to now sort through old curriculum and sell it or give it away and figure out what this room will be once the year is over!  First thing on the agenda is getting rid of old school projects (that will be hard for me)  and then a fresh coat of paint once the school year is over!  

Friday 20 August 2021

Curriculum Choices for Senior year

 We begin school next week and it is my last year as a Homeschool MOM (total of 14 years!!!).  I can't believe my second child is going to be graduating this year.  Time goes so fast.  We have finally pinned down our Curriculum and subjects that we plan to work on this year.

Over the summer we went over proper studying skills with MarioFan and his friend.    

So without further ado:


12th  grade Literature and Composition-- 1 credit --I decided to wing it this year.  There are so many books that we want to read and I haven't found a program that has what I am looking for.  I am also considering putting MarioFan into an online semester class with Outschool so he gets to experience someone new teaching this topic since I have always done it with him.  MarioFan and the entire family are putting together a book list.  He will also have writing assignments.  As the year progress I will post what books, poems and short stories we have read.

We include vocabulary 

I have the old Fix It program for grammar but it works for us.  

We also do one page of easy grammar every day!

Physics -- 1 credit -- Outschool class, we really enjoyed the Chemistry teacher last year through this program so we are going to take her physics class.  

Math -- 1 credit-- Teaching textbooks Pre-Calculus.  
I have the book for the old version but I will be purchasing the newest version online.  MarioFan like to have the workbox to look at while doing the online version, he finds going back and forth on the screen to access the book annoying.  They two programs don't always match up but he prefers it this way 

Human Geography-- 1 credit -- we are getting together with a friend and I will be teaching this class to them both.  I have found so many resources for this topic.  I think it will be a fun class for them both.

Social Justice -- .5 credit -- Being taught by another Mom we are using this program that we downloaded for free and I know she took another course through her local library and will be bringing in other resources to the class.  

Finance-- .5 credit -- I plan on using this resource and it is a video teaching program so I am hoping I don't have to do much to fill in the gaps.  also being taught with MarioFan's friend

Cyber Security-- 1 credit -- MarioFan is very interested in learning more about this topic so I found an online program through Code HS and there are people he can contact should he have difficulties.  Since I know nothing about this topic I paid the extra to get that service.      

Spanish 3B -- 1 credit -- MarioFan is doing a small online class with a private tutor.  Same as last year. 

Piano --.5 credit -- private weekly tutor

Driver's ed-- .5 credit -- Over the summer he attended a driving camp where they went over the rules of the road and he passed his driving permit test!  Now he is taking driving lesson from a retired police officer.  In order to take the MO driving test he needs a total 60 hours for on the road driving in all weather conditions and day/night time driving.  We are planning on him getting his license by next spring

I was really hoping we could add in Psychology this year as well however I think his schedule is pretty full.  I am putting it here in case we have to juggle things around or drop something and we may do a half credit of psychology.  

Total number of credits for Senior year is 8.  It will be a full and busy year for MarioFan.  I am lesson planning now for Literature, Human Geography and doing a little bit for Personal Finance.  We decided not to attend co-op this year however we will participate in their graduation ceremony at the end of May or beginning of June.

Friday 6 August 2021

Summer Activities

 We have been keeping busy and the summer is flying by with only a few short weeks till we begin our final year in High School!

Firedrake is home and working about 30 hours a week.  She spends so much time in her bedroom talking to her friends we hardly see her these days.  Occasionally she comes outs to visit.  She is talking about getting an apartment next year with a friend and I am both excited and terrified.   She also recently had dental surgery and is still recovering from that experience.

MarioFan has participated in 2 virtual camps at home, a driving camp and a sleep away camp.  

The sleep away camp is a science and animal camp and MarioFan signed up to watch a surgery on a dog!

We are also trying to get to six flags park every other week since we missed going all of last year!

Luna our dog is having some back issues.  We have had to take her to the emergency vet several times.  Their recommendation is for her to stop jumping on and off the bed, which she absolutely loves to do.  So I purchased a dog ramp for her 
She was less then impressed at first and tried her hardest to figure out a way around using it.  

Look how far she can reach without actually putting her hind legs on the ramp.  After a few of days though she did catch on and now she uses it like a pro!  Hopefully that will be the end of her back issues. 

I have been working in my glass room, not getting as much as I would like done but that is a never ending battle for me.  
I finished my commission piece for our local music shop.  The owner was happy how it turned out. 

I made this as a gift for my husband's old boss.  He  was recently moved to a new position and he wanted to give his boss a gift.  Every year she has doves roost on her deck that she enjoys, so I made her some permanent mourning doves.  I hope she likes it. 

I finally got my lamp off the mold-- I have put in 20 hours on this piece so far and still have about 10 hours to go 

I was able to hold it up to a light and see the colors.  I love the vibrant Blue!

I have also started working on another musician panel for my Husband to hand in his office.  Any guess who this might be?

My husband and I took a virtual class through the library on mixing cocktails.  It was excellent and now we know how to mix a few more cocktails, and since retirement is only a few years away it is a skill we think we need to learn:). 

He has become a master of mixing drinks now.  everything turns out so good.  

Lastly I have signed up for a gym class.  I have been attending 4 days a week and trying to work on myself this year.  Since MarioFan and Firedrake don't need me around so much.  It is time for me to improve my own health.  I won't say it has been easy but I am determine to go even during the school year!