
Friday 25 June 2021

Weekly Wrap UP 6/25/21 -- odds and ends

A couple of weeks  ago my husband and I visited a local winery.  My husband guitar instructor was playing there.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day.  

Music was good

the scenery was great and the weather was perfect.  

To be able to sit out in a a crowd and not worry was wonderful.  I forgot how much I enjoyed people watching.  We were there about four hours and really had a nice visit.

I have been enjoying my time in my glass studio!  I have been busy working on a few projects.

I made a simple piece to hold my air plant for my kitchen window.  

Still working on my dogwood lamp.  All the piece cut and fitted now to copper foil them all and start soldering.

I was super excited as I have another commission piece requested.  This time by a local music store.  They wanted a guitar lamp completed.  They gave me an old 12 string guitar and after a couple weeks of consulting on patterns and price I am working on getting it done.  
Initials are for the store -- an idea of what it will look like with light behind it

almost all cut out and ready to assemble

Over the summer I will be blogging a bit sporadically as I plan on doing my stain glass hobby, visiting my mother (helping her move into her new home) as well as just spending time with my family.  I will be back to regular blogging for Mariofan's Senior year sometime in Aug/Sept.  

Hope you have a fabulous summer!

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