
Friday 28 May 2021

Weekly Wrap UP 5/28/21 -- couples trip away

 This has been the first trip for my husband and I in over a year!  For Mother's day my husband promised me a trip to Kokomo Glass studio and we went last weekend.  We also stopped by Indianapolis on the way home.  We were only gone for two and half days and it was wonderful to get away just the two of us.

First stop was to Kokomo.  We spent about 3 hours inside as I looked for glass.  My husband was very patient and encouraged me to buy whatever glass I wanted.  I stuck mainly to my list for my summer project for the most part;)

Some of my glass haul which cost nearly $400! I found everything I wanted for my future projects!  

I just realize I didn't take any pictures inside the warehouse, because I was so busy hunting for glass.  There are over five large rooms filled with glass of all colors.  It was a bit overwhelming.

The next day we drove down to Indianapolis and spent the day there.  We visited our 12th president's house, Benjamin Harrison.  He served only one term.

They had lovely peony's in the garden.  
His home office which was surrounded by the many gifts he received as president.  At this time period presidents were allowed to keep all the gifts they were given 

His very large bookcase which still houses several first edition prints.

Harrison's dinnerware.  the outer portion is corn and wheat  which represents the state of Indiana 

The front of his home.  The home remained in the Harrison's family until the 1930's and then purchased by a school which turned it into a girls dorm.  However the school was very good about protecting the interior of the home so not much had changed.  A lot of the furniture from Harrison's lifetime was stored in the attic so it was is fairly decent shape.  It was a beautiful home.

In the afternoon we drove down to the canal which we had been told was beautiful.  It was!

We found the Indianapolis memorial

The shipped was torpedo after delivering the 'bomb' and sunk leaving about 900 sailor in the water where they were attack by shark.  only 300 men were rescued about 5 days later.  It is quite a story!

It was so peaceful sitting by the canal and there is a lovely paved path around the entire canal with bridges that crosses over at varying sections. 

We walked a small section of the canal

Then found some chairs in the grass and sat down to just enjoy the outdoors and people watch.  

At one point we saw a gondola on the canal!  

It was such a lovely afternoon.  The next day we headed back home feeling relaxed and like the world had returned to normal once again for us!  Can't wait to get home and start cutting my new glass!


  1. We really enjoyed Indianapolis a few years ago. I am glad you were able to get away with just your hubby. That is marvelous.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Thank you for sharing this.
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