
Friday 2 April 2021

Weekly Wrap Up 4/2/21 -- School Update 11th grade

 Things are going well and a few things are starting to be completed so our School schedule is lighting up just a tad. We are beginning to see the end in sight of the school year!

Mario Fan has completed his Sociology book and watched all the crash course videos on this topic.  

The sociology book we used and completed!

He has also completed his vocabulary book 11th grade worldly wise.

We just finished reading Rudyard Kiplings book 'Kim' and learning about the Great Mutiny of India and the British Raj.   We did a short unit on Lewis Carols poems and have now moved on to another Shakespeare play.

King Lear

Electronics/soldering MarioFan just completed building a car that can follow a track.  This was the hardest project so far as all the components were small and honestly the directions were very confusing.  

The directions were rather difficult and we are learning to read the schematic drawing.

He had to down load a chart on the various color codes for resistors.  I was impressed with his ability to figure them out quickly.  

We did have a small issue with the burning of the wires due to a bridge in the soldering which fried the battery pack.  Luckily we were able to fix it, but a good learning experience for not allowing solder bridges.  

assembling all the parts 
car going around the track

Chemistry part 3 is an online class and he is continuing to enjoy the experiments at home.  This class will go until the end of May.   Again we have been very happy with this teacher and will be doing her physics class next year with her on Outschool.

I manage to capture a picture of online Spanish class which is going well.

US Government class which is online with Outschool will be completed by the end of month  I have been very happy with the two classes taken with this teacher! 

We are beginning to tentatively make summer plans as by next week everyone will have had the second dose of the vaccine!  

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