
Friday 12 February 2021

Weekly Wrap UP 2/12/21-- 11th grade course work update

MarioFan is doing well with his school, working more and more on his own giving me more time to work on my stain glass hobby!   He is also doing three online class (same as last semester) and is managing class assignment from other teachers, learning to take notes while listening to a lecturer and taking tests from someone other than me!

For Literature we finished reading Silas Marner in January, We both enjoyed this story

For February we are reading two Shakespeare plays-- we had hoped to get together in person with a friend and her son to do these plays aloud but with the ongoing pandemic we are still doing online meetups through google hangouts, which just isn't the same, but it is the best we can do.  We miss being able to do classes together with friends

We literally finished this play today  


Next week we are working on Hamlet together

For online Chemistry class he is working on labs looking at compounds.  I don't usually stick around for these classes so I can't really explain what is going on as I pop in take a pic or two and then leave to do other things. All I know is when his Dad goes over the homework, MarioFan appears to know what is required and my husband is very happy with the instruction!  Chemistry is not my strongest area;) MarioFan loves all the experiments, so far only one experiment done at home has failed but since the teacher does the exact experiment on screen with the class, he was able to see the exact results 

Working with compounds and seeing different chemical reactions

US Government class online 

taking his class online and enjoying the teacher and the discussions:)

42 Electronics-- he has completed his roving robot and finished the fourth and final book in this program. We are now going to work on electronic soldering skills, which I will post about a bit later.  I have found lots of fun projects to work on 

One of the last activities was to get the camera working on his roving robot

Getting a video from the robot to show on his computer in real time. the robot is on the table across from MarioFan taking a video of him and displaying it on the computer.  

Algebra 2

MarioFan enjoys Teaching textbooks and is about halfway through the textbook.  He prefers to use the text book for the lesson rather than listening to the voice on the program as it goes too slow for his liking.  Since he averages mostly's A and B's I am not concerned that he is missing or not retaining information by doing it this way:). He is pretty much doing this independently as Math is also not my strongest area.  

I don't have any pictures for Sociology or Spanish classes but those are continuing smoothly as well.  

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