
Friday 4 December 2020

Weekly Wrap UP 12/04/20 -- 11th grade update

Firedrake returned home from College.  She will be completing the last couple of week virtually!  She isn't due to return to college until January 11.  It will be so weird to not have her here to celebrate her birthday which will be on the 22nd.  However we will enjoy having her home for a little while:)!  Here is another project she completed at college for her art class.

 MarioFan is doing great and keeping up with a pretty heavy school load.  He is managing his 3 online classes well and while there are a few weekends filled with homework he is working hard and I am proud of how well he is doing.

He is just about finished with section 1 of his Chemistry class which is held online.  

They are working on Chemical bonds and just completed another experiment 
For Literature we are working on reading our 1st Shakespeare play, using my old book from high school. It is fun to see my old notes and highlights while we read along

We are listening to an auto book while we read along.  MarioFan finds this much more helpful
after reading each scene we are watching Course Hero's video explanations as well as looking at their analysis of the play.  His writing assignment will be to identify the themes and symbols of the play.

He is continuing with his Economics online class, where they had an assignment to read one of Dr. Seuss' book and determine the economic ideas used in the book.  MarioFan chose to read Oh! the places you will go!  It was interesting to read through the book looking at it from this perspective, then he had to write a short paper on it.  
Oh, the Places You'll Go! : Seuss, Dr.: 8580001038957: Books

He loves his 42 Electronic program and is continuing to building his robot and learning python coding
He is working on his wiring 
Having to problem solve what is wrong when his robot didn't work properly
I was very impressed he could figure it all out on his own and get his robot to move forward, backward and in circles.  He is about halfway done with this project

For his Spanish class he is really working on his speaking and listening skills.  Homework has been too watch Spanish speaking cartoons or movies for 15 minutes every day.  Currently he is watching this  movie on Netflix.  

MarioFan says robotics and Chemistry are his favorite classes this year:)!

MarioFan is plugging along nicely in all his other subjects such as grammar, sociology piano and Algebra 2.  Just nothing exciting to report in those subjects.  It gets harder to blog about homeschooling at this time as MarioFan becomes more independent and doing a lot more subjects with other teachers!  

1 comment:

  1. So much great learning. That Robotics class looks amazing.
    Blessings, Dawn
