
Friday 2 October 2020

Weekly Wrap Up 10/2/20 Family life

 I didn't post last week because nothing very exciting happened, just school and staying quarantined!  

Look who is finally sitting on my lap--but only when no one else is around.  he comes to me only when I am his last option.  Not my best picture :(

Weather has been fairly mild recently so we have been enjoying sitting outside and enjoying each others company -- some days we can't stay indoors another second.  

We finally returned to in person piano lessons.  I thought they were trying to be very safe for the teacher and the students.  We still have the online option if cases start to rise again in our area

Much to my husband dismay I have also been wanting his help in the garden and it is most definitely
not his favorite activity.  We have slowly been putting in edging around the garden.  It is very difficult as the soil is filled with rocks and hard clay.  We gave up using a shovel and started using a pick ax and we only need to get down about 6 inches!

Even got MarioFan to assist one day, and he doesn't enjoy gardening any more than his father!

This area was filled with spirea plants which I hated so last year I killed them (yes I used the dread round up) and now we are digging them up and I hope to replant next spring with something else.  The area has become overgrown with weeds and just a mess!  
We got about 3/4 of the edging down when we suddenly realized there is some sort of utility pipe in the area.   So we had to stop and call to get the area marked.

found out we were digging right over two of the utilities, luckily we aren't going too deep
Although this one surprised me as there were several plants here that we had just dug up.  We didn't put in the original plants!  
and this is where the last edging strip was suppose to go, sigh, need to rethink the edging now!  Although the utility company says most lines are buried 1 to 2 feet deep and we only need to get about 6 inches deep to get the edging down so I may risk it:) much to my husbands annoyance! 

I will be visiting my Mother no posts for a couple weeks.  MarioFan and my husband will be staying home and continuing school and work.  MarioFan has several classes online and can't miss those.  I am going to be flying for the first time since the pandemic!  Hope the airlines are keeping it safe and if you are in a airport and see someone covered in a hazmat suit that will probably be me!!!!

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