
Friday 4 September 2020

Weekly Wrap Up 9/4/20--School Room set up

 I know lots of people give up their school room once the kids reach high school.  I honestly like having one place that holds all the books and materials so I haven't been too willing to give up our "school room".  In addition my husband now works from home and he needs the living room to do his work and since he spends almost all day in meetings it is not conducive to work in the kitchen or living room like we used to do occasionally.  

Even though school has officially begun, I am still working on setting up a new room and system for MarioFan this year.  Since we are not attending Co-op and doing more online classes I needed additional desk space to do activities.  
Since MarioFan is doing Chemistry online he needed a space to complete science experiments.  So we found an old desk and set it up next to his computer so he can use this space for his experiments and we keep the chemical away from the computer.  I also hung up a shelf to help store chemical materials and books for the classes that he is doing online for easy access.
This is his electronic space and I tidied it up and added a shelf to help with storage.  I am still looking for some kind of system to store all the little parts.   Mario Fan will also be learning how to solder electronics this year.

This is his computer station, not much has changed except I tried to tidy it up a little bit and threw away a whole bunch of things from last year:). I also removed all the old posters.  The computer is close to his science desk so he will be able to see the instructor and participate in lab work, I hope:)

A wider view of the area in progress.  I finally threw away all the old posters the kids have made over the years.  I found a few US government posters and hung them up.  I think we are set for the start of his online classes.  

All of his texts books for the year, a few are missing as he was using them when I took this picture but I cleared off a book shelf to help organize his books.  

Since Firedrake didn't take her desk top monitor to college (she only needed her laptop) my husband added her monitor to my work space.  He assures me I will love it once I figure out how to use a dual monitor station.  As you can see this space and the shelves behind it are still in progress for a clean up.

This table MarioFan and I work for the subjects we do together.  

I have completely filled the recycle bin.  I have thrown out so much stuff.  I let go all the posters and a lot of the art projects the kids have done over the years.  I still have more to do but I am getting there. 

I am also selling or getting rid of as much of the old curriculum we have and will no longer use.  It is so liberating to free myself of all this school clutter but at the same time so many memories.  With MarioFan only two years away from graduating I need to start thinking of my next phase in life.  It is a little bit scary to be honest.  

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