
Friday 7 August 2020

Weekly Wrap Up 8/07/20 -- Stain glass work updated

We are taking a bit of a break from all things school and I have been working diligently on my stain glass. I have finished one project and making fairly good progress on the others.

I made this for a friend -- our son's have been doing co-op for several years and we co teach several classes for the boys.  This year since we won't be attending and not sure how often we will see each other I wanted to do a stain glass panel as a thank you.  We do plan on getting the boys together as often as we can. 

She sent me a picture of it hanging in her window. 
Finally got some blue to work on my Tiffany lamp.  I got one side cut out just need to get 2 more done and then I can start assembling it.  It will still be awhile when I get tired working on this I move on to other projects.

Working on my honey comb garden stake.  Just need to add the bees and clean it up 

While working on the above project my soldering iron of about twenty years decided to literally explode in my hand (quite scary).  My husband took me immediately to the glass shop to get me another one.  They didn't have the type I usually use so I went with a different type that everyone recommended on the glass sites I belong too.  It lasted three days before also dieing on me.  I was not please.  Decided to go back with the one I used to have but it is on order and I am not sure when it will arrive.

 I recently bought some new bevels to work with and I am most excited about this one!
It is Kanji for Joy and I can't wait to make it for my daughter who has been studying Japanese
Since the Covid pandemic I have been helping an elderly lady in our community with health issue and she can't get to the grocery store.  So occasionally I help with her shopping and other errands as needed.  She surprised me with a lovely birthday cake and flowers in June. I just recently found out her birthday is coming up in August, so I plan on making her a small stain glass gift.  I just have to figure out what to make!

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