
Friday 12 June 2020

Weekly Wrap Up 6/12/20-- High School Graduation

It is official we have a home school graduate in our family!!!  Her graduation ceremony was a bit unconventional but at least she had one. We are still waiting to hear if her college is going to open up in August.  Everything is in a wait and see what happens stage.  To be honest I wouldn't be too upset if she doesn't go until Jan 2021.  She can always do online classes and then I know she will be safe.  Never in a million years did I ever think I would have this to worry about.

Several Schools in our area were able to use an outdoor arena to host their graduations.
After check in we waited in an area which encouraged social distancing.

Outside for the audience they ran a slide show of the graduates

This was the only time I was not happy about the social distancing but at least we had our masks on.  Lining up to head outside.

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Parent sitting encouraged social distancing

The graduates also had seating that encouraged social distance

It was a scorching hot day -  you can see the audience in the back ground they could either be in their air conditioning cars or stand beside their cars.

They had an amazing key note speaker who delivered an awesome address which is very relevant to the time of graduation.
Graduates throwing their caps
Because it was so hot we headed straight to the car to cool down

Went out to lunch for the first time at a restaurant which was practically empty

Later that night we had a Chocolate Fondue to celebrate our Graduate.

I am so glad my Mom was able to be there.  Only wish my Dad was here to see it but i am sure he was there in spirit.  I only have one to school at home and in two years he too will be graduating and I will have to figure out something new to do with my days, hmmm:)

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